Last night I finally quit procrastinating and figured out what the nasty chemical smell at the top of our stairs... I needed light to figure out what might be the source, so I started by changing the bulb that had been not working for a few weeks. This is what I found. It was an 18Watt compact florescent bulb by GREENLITE. The smell was absolutely toxic once I took the cover off the actual bulb. The thing that bothers me the most is that there is no where to properly dispose of this bulb. It has mercury in it and therefore cannot be just thrown into the garbage and Canada has yet to come up with proper disposal methods for them. (Hence the reason the incandescent bulbs are still on the market after them saying they would be gone.) And to make matters worse... this bulb was only a year old (supposed to last 5 years). There is however a loop hole to this whole compact florescent fiasco: Keep your packaging and receipt and when it burns out, return it to the store where you bought it and get new ones (so long as it has not exceeded its life expectancy as usually posted on the packaging). *Sorry for the environmental rant but it is really beyond concerning how toxic these things really are.
Over the past few years, we have had several Jack Rabbits that like to frolic, eat, play in our front yard. This year the little ones are out earlier than usual (we don't usually see them this young). I know it is a crappy photo but that is dusk with an arm load full of baby and groceries on my way in the door for you.
The latest update for Anomantia... she is a TODDLER and a 2 year old at once! She hates having a diaper change, she refuses to use the toilet (most of the time), she doesn't want to wear pants and if she decides to put a shirt on, it has to be pink or purple or have an animal or a butterfly on it. She is developing her own opinions and is very vocal about it. She likes to be a part of everything and do everything herself (bring her cereal with milk on the side so she can pour it on herself). She LOVES bubbles! And playing in the bubbles in the sink. The above photo, she was helping wash her bowls in the sink, while wearing the only disposable Pull-Up in the house and because she was refusing to wear anything else (I had to go out and Laurence was in the office... she was watching cartoons and playing on her tablet on the carpet and some days it just isn't worth the fight to get a diaper on her. And other days it is just a huge fight).
My Squirbo's hair is getting pretty long. She is getting a hair cut soon as she is refusing to have it brushed or washed or anything, so there are days where it looks like she is growing dread locks (sp?) and I am not okay with that right now.
She is full of opinions and attitude too.
The girls cuddling on the couch before bed the other night. Anomantia barged in on Furia's nursing session and decided that she needed to be cuddled in on the couch too. Furia wasn't too impressed but she thinks Anomantia's quirks are funny. She smiles and laughs at everyone right now.
Our latest fun times are consisting of sidewalk chalking. Anomantia love chalk and drawing on the walkway from the house to the garage. It is lots of fun and the kids across the street love having her come and chalk their driveway with them too. It is nice to see her finally interactively "playing" with other kids (even though they are older and younger... none within a year of her) but at least she isn't just sitting at home all day. Anomantia has no desire to go out, she has everything she wants at home and to go out without advance warning her, ruins the entire day. She stresses out about getting shoes on and getting out of the house. I find I have to let her know what we are doing and what the end result will be so that I can try to get her out. Some days it is more trouble than it is worth.