Sunday, September 29, 2013

A break to survive

So here it is, I decided to take a break from blogging this past year to figure out the direction my family and I want to go in life.  I have come to three conclusions:

1.  I am much happier as a person since I started running and racing, challenging myself and not being stuck in such a rut or repetition.

2. The girls are thriving getting more attention from both parents.


3.  In finding who I want to be, it has encouraged those around me to figure out what and where they would like to go/be in life.

The girls are amazing, Anomantia is learning to spell with a Pre-Kindergarten home study/ unschooling program.  Furia is going through a language explosion and is speaking in complete sentences now (sometimes up to 8 words long).  They are a handful at times because they are so high energy but overall are a delight to be around. 

This past year we changed a lot, some good, some not so good. Tears have been shed and lots of in depth conversations but our family is stronger, more united and vocal than ever before (especially now that both girls talk a lot!).  We have come to the conclusion that our religious views were not actually our own but the ones we adopted/ grew up with.  O this past winter, we celebrated the solstice and yule in old pagan style and had a blast.  Since then we celebrated Candlemas on Imbolc and are looking forward to Ostara on the vernal equinox.  Mixing it up had given the girls something new in all aspects: new stories, rituals and new beliefs.  Anomantia has come full circle and is very interested in all the aspects (she really loved candlemas).  She is really looking forward to planting season this year and being able to help out with the yard work.  Furia is still a little young to grasp the whole intent, but she loves to dress up and dance at every opportunity.  The girls have bonded on a whole new level since they moved into the same bedroom.  There are days where they are inseparable and will hug and hold hands for hours and there are days where Monkey (Anomantia) fights Wolf (Furia) non-stop.

My job has been rather demanding this past year but it has push me to expand past my comfort zones and explore different aspects of metallurgy and different welding methods.   Whenever I get a spare moment when it isn't too cold out, I am still running.  I have signed up for a half marathon for the May long weekend and will be doing a repeat of Mud Hero in the summer.  I am also on the fence but my ultimate challenge would be to complete a Spartan Beast  Race.  It is a half marathon with obstacles.  We will see how far I feel like pushing myself.
L is still L.  He is a full time dad to thing 1 and thing 2, and still loves his spiders... oh year did I mention we have 12 tarantulas now?? I have totally grown to love these creepy 8 legged critters, but they are so us!  Don't worry though, they are contained in their own room with my lizards totally acclimatised to what they need.  It is AWESOME!!!!
Life in Gurneyland continues, not without a few bumps on the road, I know we are all looking forward to spring and the thaw of incessant amounts of snow (haven't seen the lawn since Halloween).  From all of us here in Gurneyland, we wish you all a happy spring!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring has sprung and so I run...

Spring has finally arrived here in Gurneyland.  I am finally able to train harder for the Super Spartan Race this summer.  For the last few months I have been working on my distance run and have a 10+ km route that I have mastered to 43 minutes.  Now that the weather has finally started to warm up I am kicking it up a notch by trying out a boot camp for the obstacle portion as well as increasing my upper body work puts. 
With the nicer weather the girls have been enjoying the freedom of more outdoors play time in the backyard.  Furia's diet has changed to include clumps of dirt, rocks and leaves... that girl never stops moving or putting things in her mouth.  Anomantia has taken to trying to ride the tricycle again.  They both enjoy running around playing field hockey (sort of) with a huge bouncy ball and hockey sticks, playing in the sandbox and doing sidewalk chalk.  The older they get the more fun they become especially with the interactive banter between them. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Uncle Bill

I have been trying for the last week to write a letter of condolence to my dear 'aunt' Barb.  'Uncle' Bill passed away a week ago and his funeral was today.  I was unable to attend due to geographical distance and my commitments at work. 

Uncle Bill wasn't a real blood relative but was sometimes even better.  He would always entertain us girls with stories of "The old days fishing with your grandpa Ralph and Gramma Peggy.  When Johnny and Jeanie were young kids."  He always had some sort of fish (usually smoked or canned salmon or some Shimp) to share. 
This past week I was thinking about my dad (the aforementioned Johnny) and my grandpa Ralph and then got thinking about fish and my dad's poetry.  He wrote a poem once about the souls of fish caught and how there would be plenty of humpies in hell waiting to be caught again.  Then last night I dreamed about the Ocean Voyager, the boat that sunk in October of 1994.  As is motored past me with poles out, I heard bells and saw my dad, grampa and uncle Bill pulling lines and laughing.  Just like the good ol' days. 

So farewell uncle Bill and I hope you find my dad and grandpa Ralph happily fishing for eternity.  I wish your hooks never come up empty and that you are at peace.  I love you.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

A week at a glance...

This week has been a busy one to say the least.  We are now more than one third of the way through the month of January and so far we haven't stopped to catch our breath.
Sunday was my day off which I spent cleaning the general house.  Just your average run of the mill tidy every room and scrub the kitchen clean. 
Monday, I cleared out the nursery and converted it to a little girl room just in time for Furia to spend her first birthday in her toddler bed. 
Tuesday, Furia turned One!  We had a busy morning dropping the Jeep off at the shop followed by errands and then coming home for lunch and a quick nap before heading to the swimming pool and having taco in a bag for dinner.  The girls both enjoyed themselves thoroughly.  
Wednesday, I was back to work as normal and had a quiet evening at home.
Thursday was pretty much the same as Wednesday.
Friday, I worked and then came hone and got ready to go out for dinner with the family. 
Today, I got up and went to work for an extra six hours of overtime, came home, went to pick up some supplies for the renovations, came home, bathed both girls, nursed Furia to sleep (first time she has done this in a long time), made a snack for Anomantia and I while watching cartoons.  Anomantia just went down for the night and I thought I might have a minute to breathe.  I have tomorrow off work time to clean the house again and possibly a few more errands before I am back to work in Monday morning way too early.  Life is busy with two little girls running around but it is never dull.
Have a good night :)