So here it is, I decided to take a break from blogging this past year to figure out the direction my family and I want to go in life. I have come to three conclusions:
1. I am much happier as a person since I started running and racing, challenging myself and not being stuck in such a rut or repetition.
2. The girls are thriving getting more attention from both parents.
3. In finding who I want to be, it has encouraged those around me to figure out what and where they would like to go/be in life.
The girls are amazing, Anomantia is learning to spell with a Pre-Kindergarten home study/ unschooling program. Furia is going through a language explosion and is speaking in complete sentences now (sometimes up to 8 words long). They are a handful at times because they are so high energy but overall are a delight to be around.
This past year we changed a lot, some good, some not so good. Tears have been shed and lots of in depth conversations but our family is stronger, more united and vocal than ever before (especially now that both girls talk a lot!). We have come to the conclusion that our religious views were not actually our own but the ones we adopted/ grew up with. O this past winter, we celebrated the solstice and yule in old pagan style and had a blast. Since then we celebrated Candlemas on Imbolc and are looking forward to Ostara on the vernal equinox. Mixing it up had given the girls something new in all aspects: new stories, rituals and new beliefs. Anomantia has come full circle and is very interested in all the aspects (she really loved candlemas). She is really looking forward to planting season this year and being able to help out with the yard work. Furia is still a little young to grasp the whole intent, but she loves to dress up and dance at every opportunity. The girls have bonded on a whole new level since they moved into the same bedroom. There are days where they are inseparable and will hug and hold hands for hours and there are days where Monkey (Anomantia) fights Wolf (Furia) non-stop.
My job has been rather demanding this past year but it has push me to expand past my comfort zones and explore different aspects of metallurgy and different welding methods. Whenever I get a spare moment when it isn't too cold out, I am still running. I have signed up for a half marathon for the May long weekend and will be doing a repeat of Mud Hero in the summer. I am also on the fence but my ultimate challenge would be to complete a Spartan Beast Race. It is a half marathon with obstacles. We will see how far I feel like pushing myself.
L is still L. He is a full time dad to thing 1 and thing 2, and still loves his spiders... oh year did I mention we have 12 tarantulas now?? I have totally grown to love these creepy 8 legged critters, but they are so us! Don't worry though, they are contained in their own room with my lizards totally acclimatised to what they need. It is AWESOME!!!!
Life in Gurneyland continues, not without a few bumps on the road, I know we are all looking forward to spring and the thaw of incessant amounts of snow (haven't seen the lawn since Halloween). From all of us here in Gurneyland, we wish you all a happy spring!