Laurence was sitting in Papa's chair in the living room and Anomantia was over his shoulder, she fell asleep on the chair and clung to it. It was pretty funny to see her hanging on to the chair when he went to move she stayed put and "hung" out for a while. We find she really likes being held over a shoulder so she can look around at everything.

These are my new kitchen curtains that Anomantia loves to stare at, I think it has to do with all the contrasting Black and White. They look great hanging up and were fun to sew.

I finally got Laurence to take a picture of Anomantia and I as I only have some from when she first came home. Her hair is really starting to change colour and is far more red than brown now. I find it eerie how I can just stare at her and not accomplish anything at all in a day but the house ends up looking like a hurricane came through it. Then I have to tear myself away to keep things in flow. Life as a parent is far more complex than I had ever imagined... I am still learning something new everyday, even if it is only what her grunts and growls mean (by the time I have them all figured out, she'll be talking!). I am hoping that she remains mild tempered even with the change in hair colour.
I'm glad you got him to take that picture, it is wonderful. I can't wait to meet Anomantia and shnoozle those most excellent cheeks (and give you a hug). Life as a parent is certainly complex but you're doing great with the transition -- I wouldn't have been up to a blog so early on!