Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Catching up...

So a quick update on life since the 13th.... The weather was gorgeous until today, so we spent copious amounts of time outside soaking up the sunlight.  I signed up for a free 2 week trial gym pass at a local fitness centre... just to get sick and put on doctor ordered rest.  I am still waiting on my lab results but they said it might be mono or it might be strep throat... still in limbo and still have a killer sore throat.  But before all the getting sick happened, I lost 3lbs and tried out an awesome ZUMBA class a few times, plus got a couple good workouts in too. 
Life in Gurneyland hasn't really changed too much, we have started purging more stuff from within the depths of this house, so far I have taken 63 items out of our storage room and either sold them or gifted them.
Anomantia has taken a liking to my knitted work and loves to frog it on me.  For those who don't understand the term frog: it is defined as to unravel or unwork a knitted or crocheted piece.  Anomantia has also had huge advances in her development.  She now can list her numbers (almost all the way to ten but with a little confusion around 5-8), she can recite colours when presented with swatches, she can also list several animals (mostly farm animals and bugs).
Furia has decided that she really LOVES music by Alabama (especially "I'm in a Hurry") and particularly when she is in her Jolly Jumper in the kitchen doorway.  She is all about the squealing and giggling right now. 
On the 20th, Laurence and I packed up the Squirbo and the Little, and made our way to a recreational area not far from Gurneyland for a picnic.  While we were there, there were reports of moose sightings (I never know the plural of moose but there were three of them just up the trail from where we were).  We hiked into the picnic area with our firewood and cooler and the two kiddos in tow and roasted smokies and marshmallows over the small fire.  It was absolutely fantastic.  I had been wanting to do that for awhile and seeing as most of the snow had melted, I thought it would be the perfect time to do it.  We had to keep a very close eye on Squirbo as she kept on getting a little too close to the fire, but she learned about fires and roasting marshmallows.  The Little slept for a bit but she was a little cold with the wind off the river, next time I will bring more clothes for her, but at least the blankets helped.
On the 21st, the girls and I participated in The Great Cloth Diaper Change which was sponsored by a couple of WAHM's that run a cloth diaper business (where I like to buy my supplies when needed).  Anomantia still qualified as a change because she is short enough and not potty trained yet (sigh!), and so between the two of them, we counted for two bums changed.  We got to spend the morning with like minded parents and had lots of fun.  It was a great way to celebrate Earth Day.  That afternoon, it was too nice not to be outside, again!  We spent most of the rest of the day in the yard in the front yard in my case, I detailed the Jeep and got it all cleaned out and ready for our pending trip South West of Gurneyland.  We were supposed to go visit some friends about an hour's drive away the following day, but I woke up D-E-D Dead on the 22nd.
On the 22nd, we spent the afternoon lying in the sun in the backyard trying to keep warm.  The girls and I all passed out for an afternoon nap in the living room.  Laurence came upstairs to check on Anomantia seeing as she was rather quiet and found the three of us sleeping in various spots in the living room.  The pictures are rather cute but I have yet again not uploaded anything in awhile. 
On the 23rd, was pretty much a repeat of the 22nd except I was feeling worse than the day before and lost my ability to hear myself speak.  I had no vibration and I couldn't hear what I was saying. 
Yesterday, I finally broke down and went to the clinic only to be told that there would be a substantial wait time due to power outages.  The whole South East side of the city was without power (thankfully we live in the last neighbourhood that is considered North East - right on the cusp of the South end).  I finally got in to see a doctor and then was sent to the lab at the hospital for blood work.  Still no real diagnosis yet but we will see what all transpires.  Today I am feeling better already but I still have the swollen glands and sore throat. 
Today we went out for lunch and on the way home Anomantia managed to dump half of her butterscotch milkshake inside the freshly detailed Jeep.  So as soon as we got home, I grabbed my Spot Bot and got it as clean as I could with what I had to work with.  However, my Spot Bot has finally decided to die after five years of use (lots of use).  It has been an invaluable tool and totally worth the two hundred dollars I spent on it all those years ago.  Now I have to start looking for a new one to replace it. 
So for now Squirbo, the little, Laurence and I are trying to get rid of our various plagues and ailments and getting rested up so that we can enjoy the rainy season which is fast approaching.  I'll post another photo bomb again soon.

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