Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Freedom (SBC#34)


  1. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
  2. Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

liberty - independence

Liberté, libertà, liberdade, libertad, freiheit, frihed, vapaus, svoboda, saoirse are the translation of freedom in french, italian, portuguese, spanish, german, danish, finnish, czech and irish.  Some have similarities grammatically but they all have the same definition. 

Yesterday, we decided on a random camping trip.  On our way to the lake, we drove through the worst storm this year.  We had hail the size of golf balls and this morning on our drive back home, we heard that 4 or 5 tornados had touched down just north east of where we stayed.  Seeing as we all still have head colds, we decided to come home and go swimming at the pool instead of braving another night of close to freezing temperatures.   So for today, I guess I am going to just wish all of our friends south of the border a Happy Independence day!  And with that I am going to sip my tea and head to bed.


  1. wow! where are you located?

  2. Glad that everyone braved the storm ok. Hope you are all feeling better.
