Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's been awhile....

Well it has been awhile since I did an update... September came and went with a visit to the island to see the extended family and to celebrate my 30th birthday (yes, I have come to grips that I am no longer in my 20's but I have hit the big 3-0.  Maybe some kind of revelation should occur but life seems to be continuing on all the same).  October was great fun with the weather being relatively crisp and great for fall walks with Anomantia who is obsessed with her push trike.  October 25th, we had a 3D ultrasound done in town and I would have to say that I am totally disappointed and left feeling ripped off.  Peek-A-Boo Baby 3D Ultrasounds Ltd. really didn't make the cut.  I paid for the "One Peek Package" and the quality was TERRIBLE!   The DVD was so blurry from the technician's shakiness, you could barely make out the baby.  The baby also wasn't very cooperative for positioning but when Laurence asked to find out the gender (I don't want to know until birth) the tech kept on trying to find it and told him what she thought it was and we left feeling more confused than what we had in our minds going in.  We got a couple of pictures that are of mediocre quality but the rest is really crappy.  I am just relieved that this ultrasound wasn't the important one for the midwives.
For Halloween, we tried to decorate as much as possible but with the ongoing renovations in our house it was all last minute again.  I sewed Anomantia's costume all fleece lined so she wouldn't have to wear a coat and it was a good thing too because we got snow that afternoon.  Halloween morning began on a down note with the beginning of the flu running through our home.  Anomantia was feeling well enough to trick-or-treat at a few neighbours' houses before calling it a night.  She was dressed up as Batman (orange and black) with her pimped out trike as the batmobile all custom with headlights and a jet engine made out of plastic containers.  Everything was made by scratch by Laurence and I this year as we couldn't justify spending outrageous amounts of money on a costume that may not ever be worn again.  So I made her costume so she would have something warm to wear under her snowsuit when we go ice fishing later on in the winter. 
Following that, I fell ill with the flu and ended up at the hospital getting rehydrated for almost an entire day.  Now being in my third trimester, I am finding it harder to be pregnant again.  I do have more energy to keep up with Anomantia but I am slowing down and at a rapid pace.  My home is a disaster zone and trying to clean up is futile as I have a hurricane that follows behind me ripping things apart again.
Yesterday and the day before we had Chinook winds through the area and melted all the snow that was on the ground allowing me to put all the Halloween decorations away and clean up the last of the yard tools for the winter.  We pulled out our Christmas lights and are hoping to get them all put up while Anomantia naps this afternoon as even though there is snow falling, it is still rather mild out.  Tomorrow, I am hoping to bake some more cookies and start on my Christmas baking (finish it off too if I am lucky).  My sewing machine is in the repair shop again and I am hoping to get all my knitting done by the beginning of December so that I can get the sewing portion of my Christmas gifts done as soon as my machine is back on the bench downstairs.  This however will delay a couple of baby gifts for friends and family but I guess it is a small price to pay for the love.
Anomantia is having a dad day and wants nothing to do with me right now, so I am going to put my feet up and enjoy the quiet moments that I do have to myself.  I need to relax and try not to focus on the craziness of the upcoming week.
With all that I leave you and hope you all had a great Labour Day Weekend, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Remembrance Day and are all ready for the upcoming winter.
Much Love

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