March is almost passed us by here in Gurneyland. So many things have happened and I am trying not to miss any of Anomantia's firsts...

Anomantia has now figured out how to put her fists in her mouth and grab on to things. Laurence has taught her to grab onto the neck of shirts when being held upright that way she doesn't fall backwards. This morning, she sat up all by herself for 2 minutes in the living room before she fell over sideways. My camera wasn't close by so I missed it but I know it will happen again.

She grabs onto toys and swats at things she wants to touch. She has a few favorites now, like her butterfly raddle and "Baby Boo" the book Christina, Mounir and Khalil sent her for Christmas.

Mostly she likes to chill out in her bouncy chair and watch everyone around her. Even with a snotty nose and a bit of a head cold, she has been pretty good with all the coming and goings on around our home.
Yesterday, Monday, March 29th, 2010, marked what would have been my mum's 54th birthday. I spent part of the day in the yard with Anomantia staring at our bare garden and the last little bit of snow. Soon it will be time to plant again but the garden will be bare until at least May long weekend, hopefully we won't get snow in June again this year.

So for now, I will keep on telling Anomantia stories about her grandma Jan and hopefully do as good a job of raising her as she did of me. I miss you everyday Mum and I wish you could have met my family. xoxo Carlee
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