Wednesday, February 1, 2012

And the baby is here! (*caution graphic*)

Furia Eevul Obsidian Gurney made her grand debut at 10:03pm on January 8th 2012.  Weighing a big 8lbs 1oz and measuring 20.5 inches long.  After typing my previous post, I saved it until I was ready to sit and write her birth story which is something like this:

I was sitting in the shower on the morning of the 8th feeling tired from not sleeping while worrying about the upcoming NST (non-stress test) and going over all the methods that I had tried in efforts of trying to coerce this baby to get out of my body.  I was in foreign territory being post dates, as Anomantia came before her due date.  I was trying everything I could think of and even in a last ditch effort, I had read somewhere about someone trying a stick of cinnamon in boiling water and drinking the water after letting it steep, so after the shower I tried that.  Shortly after the cinnamon tea, I felt my first contraction, followed by another in random intervals throughout the morning starting at 11:30am.  By 2pm they had intensified and were more regular, so I made the first call to my midwives to let them know I was residing in labourland.  (insert previous post here)  After several more hours of labouring at home, my contractions started to wind me and were coming about 3 minutes apart.  At 6:30pm my midwives suggested that we make the move to the hospital to be assessed and to prepare for the birth.  I was 4cm and the baby's heart rate was holding strong through my contractions, we were all geared up and excited anticipating the pending birth.  By 8:30pm I was trying to take a walk but my contractions were too powerful so I decided to try the tub to relax a bit.  Unfortunately I was unable to get comfortable in the tub, so I walked bare assed back to the delivery room to be checked again.  I was at 9cm and the baby's head was right there.  This was the only moment I ever doubted my ability to go through with a completely natural birth.  I got through it by repeating my mantra of OPEN with every contraction.  It was very empowering.  I finally settled on a position (a strange one at that), the back of the bed elevated, I pulled myself up and kneeled on the bed facing the back wall.  I was effective for me as at 9pm I had the urge to push and an hour later, I was catching my squishy baby, as soon as she was born, I was the first person to hold her, touch her and love her.  Blood covered and perfect, she just hung out on my chest for about an hour before she decided to breastfeed.  Meanwhile her placenta detached less than 6 minutes later and I hemorrhaged and needed stitches due to tearing, but my baby was perfect.  So with all that I ended up staying at the hospital for the night to be monitored and so I could get some fluids and Laurence went home to be with Anomantia and to relieve our support team who had so kindly helped us out.  It was great to get home the next day and to see how excited Anomantia was to meet her sister.  When Laurence and Anomantia came to pick us up, I could hear her coming down the hall calling Mum at every door until she got to mine and just started calling Baby Baby Baby.  And finally Laurence got to hold his daughter just before she was put into her car seat for the first time.  And since her birth Furia has been a wonderful addition to the family.

With my labours progressing so fast, I feel like there is something I forgot, but from start to finish, there was close to 11 hours from my first contraction to the delivery of the placenta.  I am finally healing the right way (for me anyways) and glad to say that Laurence and I are super happy with our girls and can't wait to see what the future brings.  And we had an awesome babymoon  (I just wish it could have started sooner)  and had a few great days just the four of us.

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