The best gift I have ever received was just last week when my husband decided to spend his birthday money and the family fun funds to purchase a bike trailer to tow our girls around. I love the freedom it has given us. I wanted to get one last year but it didn't happen. I researched them tons and finally found a used one that would meet our needs. It is a Burley D'Lite trailer that is compatible with one or two children and has enough storage space that I could do my groceries and have the girls in tow. It also converts to a jogging stroller and regular stroller too. I am looking at the winter attachments right now and I was thinking about getting some skis for it for the winter months. Have this trailer will allow us as a family to make new memories and enjoy the time being outdoors no matter the weather conditions. I am so excited to see what adventures we can go on with our bikes now. The possibilities are endless.
Squirbo and Squirmy trying it on for size when we first bought it. |
Cuuute! Biking just isn't doable in my area, so I'm super jealous! ♥