Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge Day3

15 Interesting Facts about ME:

1. I am secretly terrified of spiders, but we have 2 pet Tarantulas (and if they escape, I am exterminating the house to kill anything that moves!).

2. I am a full blown, fully certified Journeyman Welder.  I make metal for a living and LOVE it!  (When not on maternity leave that is.)

3. According to my DH, I am almost as beautiful inside as I am out.  He would know because he saw my guts when he was watching my c-section with our first daughter.  And this doesn't bother me at all.

4. I have stretch marks!  Yes, I admit it, after 2 pregnancies, I have earned my stripes.

5. I speak French and English fluently, and enough Spanish to get by.

6. I am addicted to knitting and spinning fibers.  I love making my own variations of patterns.

7. I love being outdoors... don't care what the weather is doing, I love nature and everything about it.

8. I love playing sports, but can't stand watching them (unless it is row 1 of WHL hockey with DH and a beer!).

9. I try to convince (sometimes even bribe) my 2 year old to sidewalk chalk the back walkway with me every nice day we have because I LOVE CHALKING! That and drawing with oil pastels.  I let the chalk decide what we will be creating and just go with it. 

10. I own ONE, yes only one small thing of eye shadow.  It is a very pale shimmery neutral colour.  And that is the entire contents of my make up bag.  Aside from my essential Burt's Beeswax Mint Lip Balm that is usually in my pocket or in my purse.  I'm the wake up, pull my hair into a pony tail or bun and go for the day type of girl. 

11. I have a HUGE girl crush on Lori Petty, I wanted to be her growing up and can quote word for word the entire movie, Tank Girl. (Okay, so this is weird, but true.  I was the girl that followed the rules, well most of them anyways and secretly always wanted to be bad and do crazy wild stuff.)

12. I am an orphan.  My parents both died when I was younger.  I was 13 when my dad died and 20 when my mum died.  I do still have 2 awesome sisters with whom I am really close but I wish we were geographically closer.

13. My favourite foods are Fruits (in season) and anything DILL. Especially peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches (even when not pregnant).

14. I have a vast knowledge of fishing and anything to do with Pacific fish.  My dad's family were all commercial fishermen (and women) and I grew up with a love for the water.  Now I live in the land of murky rivers that I am kinda leary of, but learning to love ice fishing on the lakes in winter.

15. And for the piece de rĂ©sistance:  I saw Johnny Depp (or at least I think it was him) Naked on a boat in Southern France.  I was swimming in the Mediterranean Sea while he was on a yacht. 

* Sorry if I make being pregnant sound like a 10 year bit (as DH puts it) but we have our 2 girls, Anomantia is almost 2.5 years old and Furia is almost 5 months old and I really miss being pregnant.  I am still on maternity leave (thank you Canada for the huge leave time) but I will be returning to work sometime this summer :( boo hiss! 


  1. This is such a great list!! You are such an interesting person :)

  2. I love your list! I miss being pregnant as well (Willow's 4 1/2 months old) but am SO glad for the long maternity leave! My worry is what to do with Willow while I'm working :(

  3. I got stretch marks with my first child but with my second, I didn't get as big (though I was small with my first too) and thankfully didn't get any new ones or get worse. My son is almost 13 months old and my stretch marks from my first are still super pale white that match my skin thankfully.

  4. I love being pregnant! When my daughter was born, I cried the night before because I wouldn't be pregnant again! This time I have gotten ridiculous stretch marks!

    1. I definitely miss pregnancy but we aren't done having babies yet, maybe another one in a few years.

  5. Spiders are definitely not my favorite insects. Yuck. I also have the marks to show my childbearing days and I just started try to make jewelery.
    Following you from the Hop. Hope you follow me at Thanks

  6. Love that about the spiders! I don't any eyeshadow. I do have some really old mascara though. Nice, Johnny Depp!
