Tuesday, June 19, 2012

SBC #19

Blog Prompt: Something you are proud of from the last few days.

I am proud of the level of communication I have with my husband.  This is what makes our marriage work.  We talk about everything and anything.  This week, I have been suffering with who I am as a person.  I feel like my identity has been completely overrun with being a mother that I have lost sight in who I am.  I have always identified who I am with what I am but now more than ever feel like that is a mistake and somewhere inside me there is an individual screaming to get out.  I am the welder, the mum, the wife but I am also ME.  I am proud that I have  his advice and support in all that I do.

01 September 2007

1 comment:

  1. First, that cake is incredible! Is that a giant rice krispie treat?! lol. Second, I allowed my status as a mom/wife/bookseller/teacher to take over my life for oh...about a year. Maybe. I'm too free spirited to let things chain 'me' up for long. However, it's taken years to try and find the balance between me (while still learning who I am), and the rest of my hats. I think it's a lifetime process. ♥ It's awesome that you have your husband's support!

