Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge Day 6

Going Green with the Grizls

Nicknames and Why I have them:

#1.  Mum or Mami
I get called this by my 2 year old.  Mum when she is saying something serious and Mami when she is trying to be cute and get my attention or wants something.

#2. Wonderwoman
I get called this by DH almost daily.  He is still in awe at the things I am capable of doing and how I can pull random tricks out of my hat with no notice and can save the day when all hell breaks loose (which is almost daily here).

#3. Sister or Other Sister
My sisters and I always seem to refer to one another as sister or as in "have you heard from the other sister lately?" when talking to one another.

and last but not least

#4. Whaaaaa
I get called Whaaaa by Furia, my 5 month old.  When she needs me, I am Whaaaa. :)

I am not really sure if these are all classified as nicknames, but they are what I am frequently called.