Wednesday, April 28, 2010
times pass
It's Raining

After our walk, I was going to give Anomantia a bath (basically a sponge bath is all I can do with the harness on, I have to wash her piece by piece around the harness) but she had other plans by yelling at me that she was hungry, I breastfed her then she proceeded to fall asleep on the living room floor. She is still in that position right now as I am typing this. So I will have to attempt a bath once she wakes up. Usually she loves the water, but since we can't get her soaked any more, she hasn't been to keen on getting washed with a cloth. I try to make it into a game so she doesn't fuss too much but the novelty of that has worn off and now I am trying to come up with some new ideas.

Once we got home, I pulled the stroller into the entrance of the house (linoleum floors so the water doesn't mess anything up) and took a picture of the cup holders at the back where the water had pooled. We were both soaked but in a good way. I used her waterproof change pad over her blanket to shield her legs from the water and it worked... Grandma Joan do you think that you could make us a custom one for the stroller with the fleece lining?? Regardless, my improvisational skills have flourished since becoming a mum. I just don't believe that I need to pack a suitcase around as a diaper bag. Armed with a diaper, a cloth and a blanket, anything is possible.
Anomantia is a whopping 19 weeks old today and as of yesturday, she weighed 18lbs 3.5oz... she is a tank! We have decided that we are due for a new carseat for her (already!) even though ours is good to 35lbs, the straps are just too small. So my evenings will be occupied with online research for a good seat that will last her until she is done with carseats. If you have any recommendations, Please Comment, we are looking for one that doesn't have a small height restriction for rear-facing, I'd like her to stay that way past the 12 month mark but as it is going, she will be past the weight and height requirements on most before then. Any ideas?? Let me know.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lately we have had some super nice weather so Anomantia and I went for a walk to a local bakery called Babycakes Cupcakery. She really liked the bright colours on the walls and the attention she gets from the wonderful ladies that own/operate the place. The cupcakes there are delicious. The general atmosphere is so relaxing and we enjoy our time there. Last week, for the occasion, I dressed Anomantia in her cupcake dress with her cupcake hair clips (I am so tired of people calling her a boy). All in all, we had a fun afternoon while we were at the cupcakery and out for our walk. is their website... If you are ever in the area, I urge you to check them out! Diana and Andrea have a great business going and are always smiling, no matter the weather! Thanks for the good times, I'll be back again soon!

Saturday, April 17, 2010
For Joan
Friday, April 16, 2010
Pussy willows and Ladybugs
Anomantia is 4 months old today, 17lbs and very curious about things. Everything goes in her mouth. On today's walk around the ponds, I found some pussy willows and decided to introduce them to Anomantia. I rubbed them on her cheek and then let her hold the small branch of them to see what she would do... she wanted to taste them. I managed to get them away from her mouth and brought them home to show Laurence when he got home from work. I was less successful with the Ladybug that landed on her hand when we were out in the yard this morning. I was hanging my laundry on the clothesline and Anomantia was playing with her Champignon in her bouncy chair on the lawn when I noticed that she had a Ladybug on her hand which immediately went to her mouth. I didn't get to her on time to get it out, so I guess her first solid is Ladybug. Last year we found a Ladybug infestation in our basement which I thought I had gotten rid of, but unfortunately it is back and there are Ladybugs everywhere in our house and yard. Lately she has been really grabbing at everything and then pulling her hands towards her mouth.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Slipping through the cracks

Today was yet another trip to the Children's Hospital to see the Paediatric Orthopaedic Specialist for Anomantia again. Her hip is worse than I expected and it all kind of sunk in for me today. After our appointment, we had a picnic lunch down by the River where I took these two photos before my camera batteries died. I find now that the only family outings we have together consist of going to doctor's appointments for Laurence or Anomantia. The last week has been pretty stressful with Anomantia being frustrated by her harness and the lack of sleep and down time has been hard on me (I am running on about 12 hours sleep in the last 7 days all together). Everything has changed and I feel like we are slipping through the cracks again because all the doctor's and nurses want to do is sugar coat the whole scenario. I am tired of all the beating around the bush, I just want straight medical facts so I can do what is right for my baby. Anomantia is slowly adjusting to life with her harness but it requires a totally different position for breastfeeding and I am having a harder time adapting to it than she is. Right now I have ONE BIG FAT REGRET in my life... that is not having the third trimester ultrasound that Laurence was pushing for. I figured that it wasn't necessary so why drink all that water and be uncomfortable for something that isn't necessary? In the long run I am kicking myself for not doing it because maybe they could have changed her position and prevented a cesarean and maybe given her hip time to form properly too. I feel entirely to blame for this whole thing. So seeing as she can't develop her body, I will help her develop her mind early. Anomantia has started shaking her head for yes and no and we have started using baby signs with her. Milk is recognisable to her as well as Mum and Dad. I am trying to teach her Hot and Change as well as many others. I have had people say that I shouldn't start until they can sit on their own, but this will be delayed due to the hip issue. She can't roll over, she can't do much for tummy time, so far I have been trying to stimulate her every way she can be stimulated. I find that she really likes music and when I can't seem to get her to settle, I put on the Dixie Chicks "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice" music video (it is all black, white and red) and she just stares at it in awe and it only takes about a minute before she is totally mesmerised by the images. I have been taking her to the Public Library's Babytime on Thursday mornings but for the last two weeks, we have had to be at the Children's Hospital on Thursday mornings, so I am looking forward to going to pick out some new books this weekend. Hopefully the ones I have ordered on the inter-library loan will be in soon. Sorry about the huge rant but I really wish that the doctors and nurses that we are dealing with could all sit down and get their stories straight! NO MORE MISINFORMATION PLEASE!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
More Projects On The Go

My whole disappointment with everything is that her cloth diapers don't fit under the harness so we have to use disposables. They sure stink real bad when they are soggy in comparison to the cloth ones.

Wednesday, I am hoping to take her to the pool for a swim, we are allowed to have the harness off for one hour every five days. Sponge baths are allowed in between, but I know she misses the water because everytime I turn the shower on, she thinks she gets to come too. Now I have the stinky kid on the block because of all the breastmilk that has dribbled onto her undershirt that is under the harness. I am looking forward to Wednesday when she gets to be clean again.

In the meantime, I have been keeping myself occupied while she naps. I have been sewing like crazy. Last night I made a pair of yoga pants with snaps up the sides so that she can wear them over the harness and today I made this dress. The dress is still way too big for her but that works out well seeing as she needs the width with the harness holding her legs out in place. My next projects include a new carrier and a couple more dresses for her as that is all she can wear for the next 3-4 months-ish so long as she is in the harness, pants and tights are out! I am really glad that I remembered how to sew. Everytime I sit down in front of my machine, I remember leaning over the table as a kid and watching my mum sew all sorts of stuff for us girls. It makes me happy that I can do the same for my daughter as she did for me.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Mayhem and ice...
Yesterday, we had to go to the Children's Hospital (a hour and a half away) for a visit with the Paediatric Orthopaedic Specialist for Anomantia's hips. When we arrived in the city, it was a beautiful 17 degrees Celsius and by the time we left the hospital it was -2 degrees Celsius and a major ice storm outside. We went for dinner with our friends James, April and Mallory during which time the ice storm got worse. Our vehicle looked like a giant ice cube by the time we were done our meal. Meanwhile the power was flickering on and off all night. We ended up staying the night at their house because it just wasn't safe enough to drive the highway home. This morning on my way home, I counted 12 vehicles that were damaged beyond repair from last night's storm. Anomantia's hip has blunting on the left side so now she is required to wear a Pavlik harness until the joint heals properly so over the next few months, she will only be able to wear dresses (much to my dismay) or long shirts. I am trying to come to grips with this because I am so not the type to put my baby in a dress unless I have to, I guess this is just the tomboy in me coming out more and more these days.
Mallory and Anomantia hanging out on the couch before bed on April 8th, 2010.

Anomantia's first Easter

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