Today was yet another trip to the Children's Hospital to see the Paediatric Orthopaedic Specialist for Anomantia again. Her hip is worse than I expected and it all kind of sunk in for me today. After our appointment, we had a picnic lunch down by the River where I took these two photos before my camera batteries died. I find now that the only family outings we have together consist of going to doctor's appointments for Laurence or Anomantia. The last week has been pretty stressful with Anomantia being frustrated by her harness and the lack of sleep and down time has been hard on me (I am running on about 12 hours sleep in the last 7 days all together). Everything has changed and I feel like we are slipping through the cracks again because all the doctor's and nurses want to do is sugar coat the whole scenario. I am tired of all the beating around the bush, I just want straight medical facts so I can do what is right for my baby. Anomantia is slowly adjusting to life with her harness but it requires a totally different position for breastfeeding and I am having a harder time adapting to it than she is. Right now I have ONE BIG FAT REGRET in my life... that is not having the third trimester ultrasound that Laurence was pushing for. I figured that it wasn't necessary so why drink all that water and be uncomfortable for something that isn't necessary? In the long run I am kicking myself for not doing it because maybe they could have changed her position and prevented a cesarean and maybe given her hip time to form properly too. I feel entirely to blame for this whole thing. So seeing as she can't develop her body, I will help her develop her mind early. Anomantia has started shaking her head for yes and no and we have started using baby signs with her. Milk is recognisable to her as well as Mum and Dad. I am trying to teach her Hot and Change as well as many others. I have had people say that I shouldn't start until they can sit on their own, but this will be delayed due to the hip issue. She can't roll over, she can't do much for tummy time, so far I have been trying to stimulate her every way she can be stimulated. I find that she really likes music and when I can't seem to get her to settle, I put on the Dixie Chicks "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice" music video (it is all black, white and red) and she just stares at it in awe and it only takes about a minute before she is totally mesmerised by the images. I have been taking her to the Public Library's Babytime on Thursday mornings but for the last two weeks, we have had to be at the Children's Hospital on Thursday mornings, so I am looking forward to going to pick out some new books this weekend. Hopefully the ones I have ordered on the inter-library loan will be in soon. Sorry about the huge rant but I really wish that the doctors and nurses that we are dealing with could all sit down and get their stories straight! NO MORE MISINFORMATION PLEASE!
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