Anomantia now sleeps in her OWN bed at night. She seems to be pretty good about sleeping in the crib for 5-8 hours at a time.

She still is my happy morning baby when she calls for us in the morning usually around 7 to 8 am. Although she she still wakes once during the night for a feeding and diaper change, she doesn't really like being moved from her crib.

She seems to enjoy being in her own bed and still sleeps for a couple of hours midday and a couple more in the afternoon, I think she is getting better rest not being in bed with us anymore. She is a happy and easy going baby for the most part although teething has not been easy with lots of tears and anxiety. She is far more alert and watches people come and go. The separation anxiety has begun because she cries when I am not within earshot or sight. I am hoping that she will overcome this and become more comfortable with other people because the time I have off is coming to an end way too quickly but on the brightside, she will have her daddy with her when I go back to work.
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