I woke up early on May 3rd thinking that I would finish what I started in my garden/ greenhouse to find that it was a complete blizzard outside. We ended up with 10cm of snow which had buried all of my garden tools that I had left out from the previous evening. May4th was just too cold out to garden and the snow still covered the ground and on the 5th the snow finally started to melt... weather forecast: MORE SNOW overnight:( I wish I could just have spring with a little bit of rain. Anomantia and I were supposed to be going for a walk in the afternoons but it was just too miserable. I know that never stopped me before but with her in her harness and not able to wear pants, she gets cold much quicker on the windy days than she did before.

This morning while I was folding my laundry (endless mountains of it which makes me think of that song-The Laundry by Charlotte Diamond I think??) Anomantia was quite vocal again the usual around here. She babbles and coos at her toys then proceeds to shove them in her mouth and scream at the same time... I think she got her vocal capacities from her dad. Life is no longer quiet in Gurneyland. This afternoon, I ran into a neighbour (and friend) from the next block over, she said she could hear Anomantia screaming all the way over at her place (this mortified me).

Anomantia had a great day hanging out around the house with me while I did my chores (getting good at doing most things one handed) and napping as much as she wanted today. May 4th, she and I spent the most amount of time apart since her birth. I started back at my Muay Thai/ kickboxing classes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, I was gone a whole TWO HOURS (felt like an eternity to me), and according to Laurence, she slept the whole time I was gone.

May 5th, Anomantia had her 2nd round of immunizations, she doesn't like the pubic health nurse very much. She tried to weigh Anomantia and she started to scream/ cry/ fight and totally stress out. That was only the weigh-in. The needles went better because I was breastfeeding her at the same time but I hate to see my baby so distressed. She went to bed early tonight but has already woken up once and I expect her to wake up again before I am ready for the 6th to start. She is so resilient and just an all round easy going baby, Laurence and I are really enjoying the more interaction that we have with our daughter. And honestly is Anomantia Soleil Mowton Gurney an ethnic sounding name?? I keep on having people ask me what nationality her father is.... ummm we are all CANADIAN! (and she looks just like him too). I thought for awhile there that her eye colour would change but it really hasn't in about a month and a half, it is still light blue and I think now that it will stay like that.
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