Since our trip back to the island, sleep has been our recent battle. Anomantia has decided that she no longer needs to nap during the day other than short little blinks when she is in her car seat. This morning I had to wake her up as I needed to take our Jeep to the dealership for maintenance, and I realised that she had slept for almost 11 consecutive hours. I was so engorged that I had been awake two times in the night hoping she would stir and decide that it was time to eat, No such luck! She gets quite grumpy and crabby around 4pm and falls asleep easily at 8pm but those last four hours of her wakefulness are trying on every one's nerves. I am really trying to get her to nap but she just keeps on fighting sleep and cries lots. I don't know if this is just a phase or if it has to do with her teething but I really need her to nap at least once during the day, so I can regain my sanity and hopefully get a little bit of a rest too. She is getting really heavy now and since she is over the weight limit on her swing and the bouncy chair cover is ripping, I am counting the days until she is free from her harness and is able to sit in her new jumperoo (from grandma Joan and grandpa Tom). She has decided that it sucks being at everyone else's ankle height and likes to be carried around. I really need to find a carrier that will work for her. I think I might just have to break down and buy an ergo carrier.
Seven is the number of days, just one week left of being harnessed and then we can go to the P-O-O-L. Anomantia has figured out what a pool is and gets really excited every time someone says POOL (I'm not pointing any fingers Laurence). I think that it will be nice when we are able to take her back to go swimming again, I know she must be as tired of sponge baths as I am of giving them. There is just some satisfaction to being fully submerged in water. I am hoping that the summer weather is nice enough that we can set our pool up in the back yard again this year. It was sure relaxing and refreshing to have it all last summer while I was pregnant. I am really looking forward to the summer months and spending time in our garden with Anomantia and knowing that she will be able to eat some of our vegetables (homegrown) in the fall. She is starting to show an interest in food but she isn't quite ready to start eating solids yet. I think it will be another month and a bit before she really figures it all out. Saturday my baby girl will be 5 months old already. I feel like time has just passed me by and that only leaves me with 5 months before I have to go back to work. I am just hoping that it will all go smoothly.
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