Tuesdays and Thursday evenings, I take a Muay Thai/ Kickboxing class at a local dojo. It gives me a little time away from Anomantia and Laurence as well as some time to clear my head from all that is going on at home. Last Thursday, Anomantia was still awake when I left for my class, although she was extremely tired, I though she would just fall asleep. Almost 2 hours later when I got home, I found her in Laurence's arms screaming at him. She had both of her hands in his beard and pulling with all her might, eyes closed and screaming in his face. Once I got her settled, I was filled in that she had been in that exact position for the whole time I was gone. Tonight was another repeat of Thursday night and now I am wondering if it is separation anxiety from me or is it just the fact that she has to take a bottle when I am gone and she HATES bottles especially when she is tired.
Anomantia loves drinking from her own cup now. Not a sippy cup but a regular cup. She actually prefers it to a bottle and the sippy cup put together. She has figured out how to hold the cups on her own with both hands and even tips it up too. She still needs a little help with the tipping portion but it is coming along quickly. I have just been giving her a little water or breastmilk in the cups a little at a time otherwise my laundry pile would be three times as big as it is now. She would end up wearing more of the liquid than she drinks.
She is so much fun, so long as she isn't tired. Since her harness came off last week, we have been taking tons of pictures (to be posted at a later date... I still need to upload them off my camera) and enjoying her freedom as we can finally go back to the pool and play more games with her. She loves having naked tummy time on her mat in the living room and playing in her jumperoo in the yard (while we get some yard work done). I think we will be in for a summer filled with new adventures and lots of fun, so long as her hip stays in place. Last Saturday, was the 40th anniversary of our local Farmer's Market. Anomantia and I went and looked for tomato plants for our greenhouse. Unfortunately I couldn't find any sweet millions cherry tomatoes like I wanted but we came home with a bunch of red and green peppers (grown in a local greenhouse)for a salad and a batch of spaghetti sauce. I am looking forward to what the market will have later in the summer, and to see the buskers/ street performers putting on their shows. There is such a mix of people that attend, it is fun to get a cup of tea and just watch the different people at the market.
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