The sleep wars have begun...
Anomantia has decided that she is going to fight off sleeping with everything she's got! That includes screaming and having a tantrum at any indication that I might be trying to put her to bed. Last night it lasted for 2 hours and tonight I wore her out in only 1 and half hours. I am hoping that she will put up less of a fight as I have started more of a routine with her and I don't let her nap for too long in the afternoons or else she doesn't go to bed until it is late. At least she sleeps for longer periods at night now. Last night was her longest yet with a whole 9 hours in a row without waking up. Preceeded by an 8 hour night and a 7.5 hour night, all in all we are getting a decent amount of sleep.
On a lighter note, the paediatric orthopaedic specialist said that the harness may be coming off early as her hip is in the socket and it is all looking better than he expected. We will find out more in 6 weeks. She still hates the thing and fights with it more and more every day. As for her development, she is getting better with holding her head and shoulders off the ground when on her stomach and is far more vocal. She talks and yells at everything and anyone. Yesturday, I spent about an hour just listening to her talk to her monkey (plush toy). It is so cute until she gets mad and stuffs its face into her mouth and starts screaming, followed by the toy getting tossed off the couch and onto the floor. I am really looking forward to her being able to sit by herself and start to be mobile... as it is right now, everything that she touches goes directly into her mouth. I am trying to hold off on solids for at least another month and a half (when she is 6 months old) but as it stands, she has already eaten a ladybug and several pieces of lint. I have been reading the Baby-Led-Weaning (BLW) book to figure out what the different opinions are out there and so far I am really leaning towards the BLW method and not pureeing food. Apparently this is fairly controversial but popular at the moment.
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