On April 29th, I had Anomantia hanging out with me while I was working on some sewing stuff but her bouncy chair cover was in the wash, so I put her in a laundry basket with a pillow and a couple of blankets where she proceeded to fall asleep and slipped into this position.

She slept like that for about 20 minutes before she woke up right angry to be in the basket still.

After her nap, we went upstairs to play with her toys. She is still unsure about the monkey but it made its way into her mouth as everything does these days. She is far more grabby this week than she has been before.

Just chillin' on the couch with her monkey.

Right before the monkey was grabbed by the ear and stuffed into her mouth and then yelled at for no apparent reason. She has developed an attitude in the last few weeks and has become more and more of a little person than a helpless baby. I am looking forward to her cooing becoming words but that will still be a little while in the making. All in all, I am happy with the "oo" "ah" and the "ee" that we are getting on a daily basis now.
Last night we got another 9 hour stretch of sleep from her and tonight she decided that bedtime was an hour earlier than usual. We spent most of our day outside in the yard getting the garden ready for planting, going for walks and visiting with our neighbours who think "Tia" is a great new addition to the kids of the neighbourhood. She is not the youngest on the block as our neighbours down the street just had a baby girl a month ago and the neighbours across the street are expecting baby#4 in September. So she will have plenty of playmates close in age around as she gets older. We are looking forward to the summer when we will be spending lots of time around the house and yard and hopefully getting our pool set up again this year (weather permitting). We are keeping our fingers crossed that it doesn't snow in June and July again this year. Our corn is already sprouting and getting ready for transplant after the May long weekend.
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