Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Day

This is my justification for the current state of my house!  (and I'm sticking to it!)  Having a clean house is not on the top of my list of things to care about right now.  It is Family Day long weekend and we spent most of our day yesterday at the park on a "sleigh" (hay wagon) ride drawn by two beautiful Clydesdale horses.  Anomantia was thrilled by the bumpy ride and the snow on the ground, I had to bribe her with Shrek to come home.  Furia slept the whole time.  It was a nice overcast/snowy day.  Followed by a beautiful sunny day today.  Anomantia played in the snow in the back yard before lunch and then we played with toys and watched more Shrek this afternoon.  I have finally managed to get both girls to nap at the same time the last couple of days so I can try to get caught up on a couple of things... still hasn't happened as I have been suffering from the same stupid never ending headaches that I had during pregnancy. 
As of yesterday, Furia is 6 weeks old and we are heading to our very last midwife appointment tomorrow afternoon.  It is bittersweet as I really love Jess and Jenn for everything they helped me with through this pregnancy.  They are awesome and gave me the opportunity to have the birth I always imagined and would not have had if I was stuck with the same closed minded doctor as before.  I had better go get some chores done before they wake up.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pre Valentine's day Weekend

Anomantia showing off her pony tails... she wasn't overly impressed with having them but I told her her options were to sit and have her hair brushed and pulled off her face or face having her hair cut like her dad's... also known as a buzz cut!  I am so done fighting over hair with her.  Originally there were 3 pony tails but we agreed she could pull the back one out as it wasn't really necessary to keep her hair off her face.
 Anomantia being so cute with her new hairdo... I love looking at her pretty little face.  Such a beauty (but I guess I am biased seeing as she is my child)!
 Yesterday early afternoon, I sat and had a cup of tea while Anomantia vacuumed the living room and Laurence napped with Furia on the couch.  I love this type of family time.
 Yesterday morning, after breakfast, while I was clearing the dishes up and cleaning up from our Friday night movie night, Laurence hung out and read books to our girls at the table.  Furia was totally awake just listening to Laurence and Anomantia talk.

As for the rest of this weekend, Anomantia and I are making valentine's day cards and getting some ideas ready for our family fun day on Tuesday afternoon.  Laurence and I are also cleaning out our home of the excess junk we have managed to accumulate over the past eight years (almost).  It is hard to believe that in a mere six and a half months, Laurence and I will be celebrating our 5th Wedding Anniversary, even though it feels like just yesterday we packed our little Sunfire to the roof and drove back to the island to get married.  We have been living in our home here in Gurneyland for the last five years and things have built up to the point where we feel like this house is getting too small.  So it is time for a purge... a huge one at that.  Most of the space has been taken over by kids toys and baby stuff.  So we have decided to downsize and start taking a minimalist approach to the way we live.  This month, I have vowed to remove at least one item from our home per day and so far, I have been 85% successful in doing so.  I am playing catch up today and tomorrow for the last couple of days where I have slacked in keeping up to my vow.  Laurence is still busy working on and moving the office so we can get Anomantia's new room fixed up and safe for her.  In the meantime, we are enjoying our family time tons and I am eager to get back to working out post baby.  At the beginning of March, I am hoping to do a trial gym membership that I was given while I was pregnant.  And until then, I have been walking and taking it easy when it comes to exercise.  I just want to heal fully before I go and start being active again. I am just so looking forward to more time with the three most wonderful people (IMO) in the world.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This morning step by step...

How to get up and ready for the day in 76 easy steps:

1. Maintain consciouness
2. reach over to nightstand table and knock everything over
3. find toothpicks
4. prop eyes open using toothpicks
5. feed baby and fall back asleep
6. wake up again to 2 year old yelling "UP" while standing next to bed.
7. Pull 2 year old into bed and try to get her to settle and not step on baby while baby finishes nursing
8. Get out of bed and change baby's diaper.
9. Convince 2 year old that it is time to get up (this requires a bribe somedays)
10. Go downstairs
11. try to get breakfast started
12. turn on kettle
13. Get distracted by 2 year old trying to turn on tv
14.. turn on tv for 2 year old
15. Get into heated debate with 2 year old over what is appropriate programming for her age group
16. Settle on PBS kids (insert whining here)
17. Go back into the kitchen 
18. put oatmeal in bowl
19. serve oatmeal to 2 year old
20. tend to crying baby
21. tend to crying 2 year old who burned her mouth on hot oatmeal
22. turn on kettle again
23. Get Cheerios for 2 year old who has finished her oatmeal
24. Get milk for Cheerios
25. realise that I still hadn't made my cup of tea
26. turn kettle on for a third time
27. Get 2 year old settled with Sesame Street and Cheerios
28. Get baby settled and napping
29. Decide to take a shower
30. Get shower started
31. Go upstairs to get my towel
32. Go back downstairs to get in the shower
33. Get to bathroom and find 2 year old stripping
34. Put 2 year old's nighttime diaper in the diaper pail upstairs
35. Go back downstairs to get in shower
36. Get in shower with 2 year old
37. Get half way cleaned
38. Stop due to screaming 2 year old
39. wash soap out of 2 year old's eyes
40. Have husband bring baby into bathroom
41. have husband hand me baby in shower.
42. wash baby
43. wash 2 year old
44. get out of shower
45. wrap baby in towel
46. wrap 2 year old in towel
47. wrap self in towel
48. get baby dressed
49. get 2 year old dressed
50. get underwear and pants on.
51. nurse crying baby
52. leak milk all over clean baby
53. try to put bra and breast pads on
54. think about tea
55. put bra and shirt on
56. think about breakfast
57. look at clock and realise that it is 12:16pm
58. turn on kettle again
59. think about lunch
60. think about dinner
61. pull soup out of freezer for lunch and ham out for dinner
62. put soup in pot
63. turn on kettle again
64. put tea bag in mug
65. change baby's diaper
66. check on soup
67. turn tv off
68. nurse baby again
69. realise 2 year old has decided on Cheerios for lunch
70. clean up Cheerios spilled on carpet
71. turn on kettle for last time
72. hover over kettle until it boils
73. pour water into mug and let tea steep
74. Sit down with tea and soup to eat
75. look at clock ... ugh 2:37pm
76. want to go back to bed!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

And the baby is here! (*caution graphic*)

Furia Eevul Obsidian Gurney made her grand debut at 10:03pm on January 8th 2012.  Weighing a big 8lbs 1oz and measuring 20.5 inches long.  After typing my previous post, I saved it until I was ready to sit and write her birth story which is something like this:

I was sitting in the shower on the morning of the 8th feeling tired from not sleeping while worrying about the upcoming NST (non-stress test) and going over all the methods that I had tried in efforts of trying to coerce this baby to get out of my body.  I was in foreign territory being post dates, as Anomantia came before her due date.  I was trying everything I could think of and even in a last ditch effort, I had read somewhere about someone trying a stick of cinnamon in boiling water and drinking the water after letting it steep, so after the shower I tried that.  Shortly after the cinnamon tea, I felt my first contraction, followed by another in random intervals throughout the morning starting at 11:30am.  By 2pm they had intensified and were more regular, so I made the first call to my midwives to let them know I was residing in labourland.  (insert previous post here)  After several more hours of labouring at home, my contractions started to wind me and were coming about 3 minutes apart.  At 6:30pm my midwives suggested that we make the move to the hospital to be assessed and to prepare for the birth.  I was 4cm and the baby's heart rate was holding strong through my contractions, we were all geared up and excited anticipating the pending birth.  By 8:30pm I was trying to take a walk but my contractions were too powerful so I decided to try the tub to relax a bit.  Unfortunately I was unable to get comfortable in the tub, so I walked bare assed back to the delivery room to be checked again.  I was at 9cm and the baby's head was right there.  This was the only moment I ever doubted my ability to go through with a completely natural birth.  I got through it by repeating my mantra of OPEN with every contraction.  It was very empowering.  I finally settled on a position (a strange one at that), the back of the bed elevated, I pulled myself up and kneeled on the bed facing the back wall.  I was effective for me as at 9pm I had the urge to push and an hour later, I was catching my squishy baby, as soon as she was born, I was the first person to hold her, touch her and love her.  Blood covered and perfect, she just hung out on my chest for about an hour before she decided to breastfeed.  Meanwhile her placenta detached less than 6 minutes later and I hemorrhaged and needed stitches due to tearing, but my baby was perfect.  So with all that I ended up staying at the hospital for the night to be monitored and so I could get some fluids and Laurence went home to be with Anomantia and to relieve our support team who had so kindly helped us out.  It was great to get home the next day and to see how excited Anomantia was to meet her sister.  When Laurence and Anomantia came to pick us up, I could hear her coming down the hall calling Mum at every door until she got to mine and just started calling Baby Baby Baby.  And finally Laurence got to hold his daughter just before she was put into her car seat for the first time.  And since her birth Furia has been a wonderful addition to the family.

With my labours progressing so fast, I feel like there is something I forgot, but from start to finish, there was close to 11 hours from my first contraction to the delivery of the placenta.  I am finally healing the right way (for me anyways) and glad to say that Laurence and I are super happy with our girls and can't wait to see what the future brings.  And we had an awesome babymoon  (I just wish it could have started sooner)  and had a few great days just the four of us.


So I am currently residing in labourland... hoping this baby will make an appearance tonight at the latest, but we will have to see.  The contractions are far more intense than I remembered but they are coming regularly and lasting longer and stronger each time.  With Anomantia, I only laboured in my legs this time it is everywhere and I am most comfortable on my knees leaning over a chair or the couch depending on where I am.  I am trying to find the right position, perhaps a shower will help to ease the tension.  Tonight is the Pagan Snow Moon which happens to be in its full glory at exactly 00:30am here in Gurneyland.  I spoke with one of my midwives earlier this afternoon to give her the heads up that this is happening and my support team is on high alert waiting for me to make the call to move this party towards labour and delivery, making it more real than before.  This is such a relief seeing as I have felt like a failure these past few days not being able to get my body to go into labour but I guess this baby has been just hanging out for the snow moon to come and join our party.