Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary

01 September 2007
Tomorrow will be our third wedding anniversary. I can't believe how fast that time has passed.
And to my in-laws, Tom and Joan Happy 37th Anniversary tomorrow too!
We love you tons and thank you for sharing your anniversary date with us.
Here is to many more happy years of marriage.

Monday, August 30, 2010


I can't believe that today I have spent over 3 hours on hold with various service providers... 2 of those hours was just trying to talk to a customer service agent with TELUS! So in all my frustration, I have cancelled my home phone as I am not willing to even try to deal with their lack of tact when it comes to customer service. They told me it was my fault that I didn't push the right choices and that my call was not a priority. So Laurence and I are without a home phone and are only reachable via our mobile phones or email for the time being. I don't think that we will be getting a home phone anytime soon either.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Anomantia in the bath chewing on "Bill le Crocodile" her favourite teething toy at the moment.

She is so full of spunk and enjoys just about everything. She has started showing signs of being a little shy around people and things that she doesn't know very well but all in all, she is easy going and has decided that at 8 months old she will nap twice a day and sleep through the night (usually 9pm-7am). Yahoo, I feel like I have won the lottery with this baby and hopefully my transition back to work will go smoothly too. But in the meantime, I am going to make the most of my last month off with my wonderful daughter and enjoy the last days of summer at home. Next week, my husband and I will be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary (already!?!). I am in awe that we have had 6 wonderful years full of ups and downs together but I wouldn't change a thing even if I could turn back time.

Random Pics from August

Sleeping with socks on her hands because she wouldn't stop scratching and tearing at herself.
Sleeping on a camp chair when we went to visit some friends who were camping west of the city.

Looking more like a little girl than a baby... with a cheerio stuck to her chin.

Making funny cheerio faces.

Paper hats with dad while I was making dinner one evening.

Spaghetti Part II

On the second round of trying spaghetti, there was less noodle tossing and more noodle slurping. For some reason, she will only feed herself with her left hand and the right is simply for holding her fork or spoon.

She is officially wearing more spaghetti that she had eaten at this point.

Time to eat the fork handle!

All done and so proud of herself.
I can't believe how fast she has changed from a baby into a toddler.

Spaghetti Part I

At first Anomantia wasn't so sure about eating spaghetti but then she realised that I didn't care if it got everywhere. She proceeded to get it everywhere... I am still finding pieces of spaghetti stuck to the walls near her seat.
Finally getting it in her, as soon as I put the camera down, the noodles went a flyin'.

The Post-Spaghetti bath in the sink. As our bathroom with the tub is still undergoing renovation, Anomantia has no problem using the kitchen sink as her bath.

Chub and all she really enjoys most of it other than getting her face and hair washed, she loves playing with all of her bath toys and plastic containers in the water.


Our month of August has passed by so fast with so many adventures and activities to keep us all going and going some more. Anomantia has cut her first tooth with a couple more coming in any day now. Anomantia has a developed a liking for the telephone, so while she is awake I can't really have a conversation because she squeals until I give her the phone which she proceeds to put in her mouth or in the case of my mother-in-law, she just hangs up on her. She is still growing but has started to level out on the percentile chart. She just hit 30" tall and 22lbs at 8 months 1 week old. I am cherishing every moment I have left on my maternity leave because I just confirmed my return to work date as the 4th of October. Then I will be placing my precious baby girl into the care of a yet to be determined care giver. Our original plan was that Anomantia was going to have a SAHD but that fell through when this summer he went through a change in employment and that will no longer be possible with the new work hours. So in mid-September, we will be interviewing like crazy to the day homes that will have openings and in the meantime, we are still on wait lists for all the day cares in our area. Anomantia is also somewhat mobile. She crawls backwards and rolls all over with ease but is still working on figuring out the whole going forward thing.

Getting hosed off after a messy blueberry peach smoothie

Enjoying her Blueberry Peach smoothie

Having fun and terrorizing her dad after an afternoon nap.

Bucket Head...
She dumped her bucket of golf balls on the floor so I made her wear the bucket like a hat because I am the one who has to pick them all up again.
It was so funny to watch her try to take the bucket off, she was smiling the whole time.

Monday, August 9, 2010

August so far...

Well this summer has been a busy one for us here in Gurneyland. We did our trip to the island and back and are finally settled back in at home. Our garden is in full swing with peas, pickling cukes, carrots, tomatoes and berries ready for harvest, the rest will be a little while before it will be ready. Anomantia is growing so fast that she isn't as chubby as she was before. Every day I am in awe at how she is becoming a little individual and how she interacts and communicates (or at least tries to) with others. She is more comfortable with our friends and family now that I think we are relaxing as parents and letting her grow as a person. I love how she stares at things and people before she will say (or babble) anything. She loves to laugh and play with people and the best way to know that she is happy, she will flap her arms up and down, like a bird trying to take off. This is her way of clapping her hands. She is now able to clasp her hands in front of herself but still can't clap them yet. Tonight she discovered Asparagus (also known as Asparagustus in our house)... she loved it, more than her chicken. All in all, our summer seems to be pretty rainy but with an overabundance of mosquitoes, they are 100 times worse than any other year we have been here. We are making the most of the time we have together as a family by going camping, packing up and day tripping here, there and everywhere, gardening, swimming and doing whatever else we can think of. I only have 55 days left at home before I am planning to return back to work, so I will have to make the most of it. I love being at home with my husband and daughter but work is calling my name. Back to grinding away (literally) and hopefully I will get the shifts that I want to start at. This fall brings lots of fun activities for Anomantia and it also brings my birthday (again... sigh...). The last of my twenties, I feel like a chapter in my life has come to an end and a new one beginning soon. I am excited to see what it brings. Until then, I am just enjoying life one moment at a time.

July in Photos Part Deux

Anomantia's great-Grandma Peggy at the lake with us on her 97th Birthday (July 24th).

Anomantia after her first time swimming in a lake. She loves the water and hanging out as naked as possible.

Anomantia and Callie playing at the dinner table. (July 25th)

Anomantia sitting all by herself and playing with her keyboard and cheerios at home (July 28th)

This is one of my favourite pictures of Anomantia and Grandma Peggy together. (July 25th)

July in Photos

Anomantia's first time putting her feet in the ocean.

Anomantia's first time seeing her Grandma Jan's memorial Bench at Croteau Beach.

Anomantia and her dad at Toby and Meghann's wedding.

Anomantia's first ferry ride and playing on her personal jungle gym.

At one of our campsites with her swim diaper on her head.