Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring has sprung and so I run...

Spring has finally arrived here in Gurneyland.  I am finally able to train harder for the Super Spartan Race this summer.  For the last few months I have been working on my distance run and have a 10+ km route that I have mastered to 43 minutes.  Now that the weather has finally started to warm up I am kicking it up a notch by trying out a boot camp for the obstacle portion as well as increasing my upper body work puts. 
With the nicer weather the girls have been enjoying the freedom of more outdoors play time in the backyard.  Furia's diet has changed to include clumps of dirt, rocks and leaves... that girl never stops moving or putting things in her mouth.  Anomantia has taken to trying to ride the tricycle again.  They both enjoy running around playing field hockey (sort of) with a huge bouncy ball and hockey sticks, playing in the sandbox and doing sidewalk chalk.  The older they get the more fun they become especially with the interactive banter between them. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Uncle Bill

I have been trying for the last week to write a letter of condolence to my dear 'aunt' Barb.  'Uncle' Bill passed away a week ago and his funeral was today.  I was unable to attend due to geographical distance and my commitments at work. 

Uncle Bill wasn't a real blood relative but was sometimes even better.  He would always entertain us girls with stories of "The old days fishing with your grandpa Ralph and Gramma Peggy.  When Johnny and Jeanie were young kids."  He always had some sort of fish (usually smoked or canned salmon or some Shimp) to share. 
This past week I was thinking about my dad (the aforementioned Johnny) and my grandpa Ralph and then got thinking about fish and my dad's poetry.  He wrote a poem once about the souls of fish caught and how there would be plenty of humpies in hell waiting to be caught again.  Then last night I dreamed about the Ocean Voyager, the boat that sunk in October of 1994.  As is motored past me with poles out, I heard bells and saw my dad, grampa and uncle Bill pulling lines and laughing.  Just like the good ol' days. 

So farewell uncle Bill and I hope you find my dad and grandpa Ralph happily fishing for eternity.  I wish your hooks never come up empty and that you are at peace.  I love you.
