Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm not old YET...

About a month or so ago, Laurence and I were in bed discussing aging and what is classified as old. He made some quirky remark and quickly reminded him that he is a dinosaur compared to me (even though he is only 3 years, 4 months and 17 days older than I am). He promptly turned to me and said "I'm not a dinosaur, I'm a carbon dated pineapple" with a straight face. I couldn't help but laugh.  Since then whenever he brings up the subject of age, the carbon dated pineapple is always quoted.  Saturday, I will be 29.  The last of my twenties has arrived.  This year seems to make me more uneasy than any other before.  I think that it has to do with my maternity leave coming to an end and the fact that I am feeling older.  I met several other mums at the local baby time at the library and I really felt old.  The fact is that in my area people seem to procreate a lot younger that I realised.  I spoke with a couple of other mums and they had 2-3 kids and we still not as old as I am (more in the 22-25 age group).  I have also observed that these mums tend to be quite clique-y like they are still in high school.  I found that quite disturbing.  One woman made some random comments about diapering and how cloth diapering would be a waste of time because it would cost so much more when you factor in water and energy costs to clean them.  In the long run, I believe that the narrow-mindedness of these other people just drives me crazy.  Yet again I am finding myself isolated as a parent.  I have tried local play groups and the other community organised activities to find other parents who have children around the same age as Anomantia but finally after 9 months of trying to fit in, I have given up! I am destined to be a social outcast as I was through the years of my education and in 9 days time, I will be back where I fit in... at work, in the dirt and metal shavings with Elise and the rest of the guys.  I am not willing to sacrifice who I am and what I stand for in order to fit in with a few superficial mums at some group.  So for the time being, I am going to age gracefully and live my life with my amazing husband, as the carbon dated pineapples that we are, and raising our beautiful daughter to be a strong independent individual.  

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