Monday, July 9, 2012

Halloween Traditions (SBC#36)

Laurence and I are in the process of establishing some traditions for us as a family with our two daughters.  Anomantia displayed a fear of Santa Claus at Christmas time, so we decided to not include the fictional characters such as Santa, the Easter Bunny and such.

Our big holiday that we make a big deal out of every year, would be Halloween!  We decorate the house, the yard and ourselves.  We try to make our house the scary house on the block by adding something different every year and constantly changing it up.  We spend the month planning it all out and try to spend as little money as possible on the whole project.  Our record low cost was $4.00 a couple years ago.  We use materials from around the house and re-purpose them into decorations.  Last year, we made Anomantia a Batmobile for going trick-or-treating rather than walking that way she was able to go to a few more houses with the neighbour kids. It was made out of a couple garbage bags, an empty margarine container, a couple empty fruit salad cups and some clear packing tape.  I cut the logo out of craft foam and we assembled the entire thing in our kitchen. (See picture above) I also made her costume from scratch out of some left over material from my yoga pants and some fleece my mother in law sent me from one of her projects.  With every step, it was a family project from collecting the materials to assembly, we all put a lot of effort and creativity into making it the best holiday for all of us.

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