Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer 2012 (SBC#33)

Summer 2012-  I have made a point of never posting about holidays before they happen because I have known people who made huge announcements and came home to their places being broken into.

 My official plan is my return to work starting back on the 30th of July.   Laurence works from home, so I don't have to worry about daycare for the girls.  As for the month of August, it will consist of adapting to working again after being off for almost a year (Thank you Canadian maternity leave!). 

I do however post after holidays are over to share photos and stories of our adventures like I have in the past.

Until then... it is a mystery as to what I am doing and besides, we like to randomly go places with little to no planning before hand.  It keeps everything quite spontaneous here.  I hope everyone else enjoys their holidays!


  1. Wow I can't believe you know people that's happened to! Scary!

    Oh Canadian maternity leave, how we envy you! Silly Americans. 6 weeks is so sad.

    Have fun on your mysterious endeavors :) And good luck returning to work!

  2. Spontaneous trips and travel is always fun. An element of surprise and discovery weaves its way throughout the trip. That's wonderful that you were given a year off to spend with your little one. That's a very generous maternity leave.

  3. I don't get too share-y either (on Facebook or on my blog!) about where I'm going to be and when because I've known people that that's happened to, too. It's sad that it comes to that, but we have to stay safe, right? So until something changes I just tell of my plans but don't attach dates - I attach times like 'later', 'in August', etc. I get where you're coming from, though!

  4. Canadian maternity leave... jealous, jealous, jealous. Can you have your politicians come a little south and talk to our politicians? Anyway, I don't usually annouce trips on my blog either. That's why I spoke about one that already happened!

  5. My readers know I live with parents, and I'm not sure I've ever said where I live anyway haha. Anyway, it is smart to not post "I'll be gone for a week, my house is unoccupied!" haha. Good thinking.
