Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fifi and You

Today has been one of those days where absolutely nothing gets accomplished!  I made it to the bank at 3pm to pay some bills, made dinner and peanut butter-chocolate chip cookies (which Laurence and Anomantia both told me should be for dinner).  I managed to stuff 6 pocket diapers and change about what feels like a hundred diapers between both girls (ugh!), pick up a few toys and answer the phone a dozen times.  Other than the nice chat I had on Skype with the family on the island and the family in Denmark, I spent my day trying to convince Anomantia that her name isn't "You" and try to get her to call Furia by her name instead of "Baby" all the time.  I got "Fifi" and "You" from her.  Alright, I am fine with that so long as it isn't "baby baby baby" all the time now.  It has become "baby Fifi baby" instead.  Laurence and I both had a good chuckle with that.  As for Furia, she is getting bigger and bigger every day.  My guess is that she is somewhere between 12 and 13lbs now.  I have delayed her immunizations, I am still reading up on them all to make an educated decision about which ones she will be getting and which ones we will forgo this time.  This morning while we were in bed, she rolled over all by herself for the first time.  I have seen her roll from back to side and front to side but never a full front to back before.  I guess I am amazed because Anomantia was still in her Pavlik harness at this stage and I didn't really realise that a baby could be so "mobile" (for lack of a better term) at this stage.  Furia will propel herself across the living room floor on her face during tummy time and she seems quite content to do so.  Anomantia hated being on her tummy and used to scream her face off whenever she was put in that position.

As for the rest of life here in Gurneyland, spring is starting to show its ugly face and the pollen count has risen.  The Chinook winds have been blowing through giving us nice warm weather and melting the snow.  This week, I have even had my diapers out to dry on the line a few times without needing to use my dryer.  Tomorrow, I hope to make it to the hardware store to get a new light bulb for my seedlings.  I have to get my tomatoes seeded as well as a few other plants into pots here as soon as possible otherwise we might get another crop year like last year and that would really be terrible seeing the cost of food went through the roof in the last six months. 
I am trying to accomplish 52 projects this year: by sewing, crafting, knitting, building etc... all from scratch.  My challenge is to do homemade gifts for everyone on my list for Christmas and Birthdays as well as homemade stuff for my girls for all those little fun holidays in between.  For Easter, Anomantia is getting new mum-made pajamas and Furia is getting a knit skirty for spring.  I am hoping that this beautiful weather holds and that Laurence and I can get woodworking projects started for the summer.  Of my 52 projects, I have only completed 8 out of the 13 I should have done by now but catch up time is going to happen as soon as I finish cutting the pieces for my beautiful niece's 3rd birthday present and finish Anomantia's bedroom curtains plus a few more to which I will eventually dedicate an entire blog post with photos included.  Until then, I am one handed typing while nursing Furia and trying to procrastinate from doing the dinner dishes, meanwhile Laurence has made himself disappear somewhere, my guess is back to the office, so I am on my own with the mess.  With that I will take my leave to fold the mountain of laundry dominating my couch and do the dishes from dinner and cookies.  Good Night

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