Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring... or so it should be!

20 March 2012
Well it is officially the equinox of Spring!  I am still undecided if spring has really arrived in Gurneyland.  My checklist is still on the verge of winter and I am finding the transition to spring difficult to believe that it may actually be here on time this year. 
1. the snow is still on the ground- I can see half of the yard but the other half still has a good 20-ish cm (that is 8" for the non-metric users) of snow on the rest of the lawn. 
2. The greenhouse door now opens (no longer snowed shut).
3. Our Vegetable garden is still completely covered (yet the mud somehow finds its way onto my carpets... I HATE beige carpets!!!). 
4. Allergies are in full swing.
5. I can see the dust and pollens in the air but it is still too cold to open the windows and air everything out.
6. The weather report still has that ugly red bar across the top of the page that screams WINTER WEATHER WARNING IN EFFECT!
7. I still have to carry spare socks around in the diaper bag for myself (I am prone to stepping onto a chunk of ice just to find out it is actually an ankle deep puddle of slush).
8. I go into the hardware store for a small part and end up looking at seeds for an hour (or until a diaper needs to be changed -  or whichever comes first).  
9. Anomantia insists on puddle jumping in every puddle with her snow boots on and when she gets water on herself, she yells COLD!  instead of just trying to spray anyone walking by with water as she does in almost every other season.
10. I am dying to get outside more... the cold wind still requires the extra layers, but I am feeling the need to be outside with the girls, if I could only convince them that it is a good idea.  (Soon, it will be easier as Anomantia is able to open the side door into the yard- I am just glad that our alarm system tells us when a door is opened and I can monitor where she is... most of the time she is downstairs harassing Laurence to play Batman on the computer.  

As the days are progressively getting longer and the weather is getting nicer, it will be harder for me to justify being on the computer as much as I have been lately.  I guess that the few minutes that I managed to squeeze in here and there during naps and screen time, during the nursing sessions and after bedtime, I am working on juggling a new schedule for our life here with two girls.  Having Furia has been an absolute joy and Anomantia is starting to adjust to having her Baby Fifi at home, the MINE stage has been showing its ugly face a lot lately.  Sharing is a difficult concept when she really hasn't had much exposure to other kids her age or other kids period for that matter.  I have been trying to socialize Anomantia with other kids so she can grasp social interaction, she however finds it easier to interact with animals or just sits and plays by herself, just not interested in anyone else.  

 23 March 2012
So I think I put my foot in my mouth with the above posted stuff... since then, we have been having intermittent snow periods and tons of flurries and fog... spring should be coming soon (I hope!).
I am realising how much time my children actually take up in a day... As I type this, Furia is nursing, Anomantia is sitting bare bum on a waterproof blanket on the floor and I am finally getting my first meal of the day and YIKES, it is 3pm!!!  So far today, I got up with a fussy plugged nose baby, cleared her nose, changed a diaper, nursed, got Anomantia up and gave her cereal for breakfast, washed up some dishes, picked up toys and folded a load of laundry, turned skype on for Anomantia to talk to her grandparents, nursed some more,made a peanut butter sandwich for Anomantia, had a cup of tea, vacuumed the family room, vacuumed the office, mopped office floor, made tomato, bean and spicy sausage soup from scratch for lunch, did some dishes, talked to Laurence for 2 minutes before he ran out the door while getting Anomantia onto the toilet, changed another diaper for Furia and left Anomantia half naked.  It doesn't feel like much but it really is time consuming.  I wish I had an extra pair of hands on days like today.  Oh Boy, I just turned around to check on the girls, and the flurries have turned into a full blown snow storm... So much for going outside to play this afternoon, it is just coming down too much for Furia to be out in it with her nose already running, probably not a great idea.  I guess that I will just have to find projects for Anomantia and I to do inside... I am thinking about making play dough for tomorrow when it is an all girls day.  Laurence has to head North for a fraternity thing and who knows how long he will be gone.  This afternoon he is visiting some brothers in the hospital.  I am glad he has found ways to connect with people around here. I just wish they had something like that for me.  There are days when Gurneyland is quite lonely for me as there is no family close by and it seems that almost all my friends have moved away.  I have to go, Anomantia has told me that she wants cookies (we don't have any) but I told her I would bake a cake instead.  She is currently pulling at my arm and telling me to make a cake... I guess I will.


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