Saturday, March 31, 2012

Today and upcoming sewer repairs

I just got a notice in my mailbox that the alley behind our house is having some sewer work done this week.  The note also included instructions saying that our sewer service will be temporarily shut off.  Obviously I am going to have to find somewhere else to be during the SIX (6) hours that we will have no waste water capabilities.  Their instructions are as follows:
1. Do not was clothes or dishes. (Yahoo... a holiday from the chores!!!!  Catch up will be a pain in the butt the next day, but a break nonetheless!)
2. Do not take showers or baths. (Yikes!  I will have a messy child that day!)
3. Do not flush toilets. (Better hope that we don't have to use the diaper sprayer either otherwise it'll be stinky in my house!)
4. Do not operate sump pumps which are connected to the sewer system. (Don't have one so it doesn't matter.)

I was thinking I should take the whole family to the recreation centre for the afternoon (work pending for Laurence), that way the kids have fun and I get them clean after hitting up the pool and play area.  Furia will most likely sleep the whole time but Anomantia can go haywire!  

I am just glad that the weather has been so nice today.  I woke up to Furia projectile puking sour milk all over herself (in her hair and all).  So it was off to the shower for the two of us, got us all cleaned up and dressed and had time to nurse and get her back to sleep before Laurence and Anomantia woke up.  Once the rest of the family was awake, I made breakfast, got Anomantia dressed and playing with a mouse (electronic not live) and keyboard in the kitchen while I did up some dishes (Sigh, Yes my dishwasher is still not working).  After the clean up, I changed Furia's diaper and fed her again.  By then Anomantia was going into the pantry to get at some food and decided that peanut butter was the food of the day!  Peanut butter and homemade raspberry jam sandwiches (insert a couple of verses of Fred Penner's version of the Sandwich song, originally by Bob King, here) for lunch.  Wiped off Anomantia's face and hands, changed Furia's diaper again, nursed Furia again, go Anomantia ready to go outside to play... looked at the clock 11:30am!  Wow this day was moving slowly.  Went outside and played in the sun with the neighbourhood kids... sidewalk chalk season is finally here.  Anomantia has a couple of new words "heart, chalk and Attention".  She has started singing songs in her own little babble language with a few comprehensible ones thrown it, it is Fantastic!  I had to carry her home at 3pm because she was tired and had sat in a mud puddle and was soaking wet from that (her diaper was still dry on the inside but soaked on the outside!).  She was not to happy about having to go back to the house but she did put up a good fight.  Right now, both girls are napping (yay!) and I am taking a few minutes for myself with my lovely cup of tea.  I guess the chores are waiting on me too... better get a moving to get things done before the toynado strikes again. 

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