Thursday, April 26, 2012

And then there was...

Rain!  It has finally :decided to start raining.  The soil and ground has been very dry lately since there was a lack of snow pack this year, I have been squishing every spider I can find and teaching my girls to rain dance because we are in dire need of the moisture.  I am really hoping that this year won't be as bad of a drought as predicted.  The Squirbo, the Nomer and I went for a walk up and down our street in the rainy and windy weather.  We got to the top of the street close to the park and Squirbo looks at me and says home- House (her word for Clubhouse) in translation, she wanted to go back to our home and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Lately we have had to translate what she has been saying.  It is pretty jumbled up.  I am glad that her assessment is coming up in a couple of weeks.  The Nomer thinks everything is funny right now and is totally in love with her Jolly Jumper and everything she can put in her mouth.  Right now it is an Owl Rattle that she was gifted by my cousin and her family.  Speaking of the Nomer, she just woke up from her nap and is talking at the window upstairs.  She is so cute and I took her out for the second time in the Ergo this afternoon.  Now that she is bigger and chubbier, it is starting to fit better.  With her in the Ergo, I have to carry her with the straps higher up because the weather isn't warm enough for us to venture out without the Peekaru vest.  I guess I have the gadgets for a successful baby wearing venture with my kidlets now.  I wore the Squirbo as much as I could (mostly as a toddler) but loved every moment of having her so close.  She isn't much of a cuddle bug but when she wants to she is really good at it.  Last night, we were watching a movie together as a family and she fell asleep in her dad's arms.  I wish I had of taken a photo of the moment but my battery was dead in my camera.  The Nomer is a pretty cuddly baby, but she doesn't like the bouncy seat or the swing.  She has figured out how to escape them both so I am contemplating putting them back into storage to clear up some room in the living room.  The Nomer is all about the Tummy Time, Squirbo hated it, mostly because of her hip issues (IMO). 

So I walked away from the computer to speak with Laurence and make some dinner for the littles, I am just now returning (19:47) to find about a half a page of letters, numbers and characters had been typed all over this blog post courtesy of Squirbo.  So finally after about 5 minutes of backspacing I am going to finally get to finish up. 

Tonight will consist of working on conquering Mount Washmore and doing up dishes I was hoping to catch a Yoga class at the gym, but Daddy-O is out at the moment and I am needed by the littles who at this very moment have both decided to have meltdowns.  Yikes, I hope this blows over soon, I really don't need any major tantrums while on my own.  Crazy reigns supreme in my universe and I sure don't need a whole lot more of it around here.  I am working on getting a little bit less of crazy and a little more fun to hang around the home front, and hopefully things will sail a little more smoothly.

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