Wednesday, April 4, 2012

procrastination and religion

Today I challenged myself to deal with all the little procrastination projects that I have been saying, I am going to do.  Well, I woke up, showered and got ready for my day but it still didn't quite happen.  I have been saying to Laurence and Anomantia that I would make them chocolate chip cookies.  I told Anomantia that I would make her some play dough and I have been promising myself that I would take a run to break in my new running shoes that I got last week.  So I put off cleaning today for all of the above.  I have made parts of the girls Easter gifts (even though we really aren't religious), I have to get them finished up this week.  I am at a stand still with my thoughts towards this holiday.  Yes, I believe in a higher power, but I am not sure where God fits into our lives, if at all.  When I was a teenager, God was a huge part of my life, it was a very personal thing.  I never enjoyed being preached to but enjoyed the readings and having discussions to hear other peoples' interpretations of religion.  As I got older, the less personal time I had, I enjoyed spending my Sundays doing what I wanted to be doing (mostly sleeping and being lazy).  Now that I have children of my own, how do I explain religion to them.  So I have this dilemma of what holidays should we celebrate and which ones should we forgo?  One of my favourite holidays has always been Halloween, it allows children to dress up however they want for a day.  I have told Anomantia she can dress up however she wants any day she wants.  She wore her Batman costume (cape and all) for a day a couple of weeks ago and insisted on being called Batman all day that day.  I can only encourage her to develop her own style and personality, I don't want to try to mould her into a mini-me and I want her to be a free individual. 
So far, this year we have celebrated the following holidays:
New Years Day, Furia's Birthday, St. Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year, Family Day St. Patrick's Day, and now Easter.  I think if we try a little of everything when it comes to holidays this year, we might be able to figure out which ones are the best for us. 
In the meantime, I had better stop procrastinating about cleaning my kitchen or there will be no dinner made tonight due to lack of clean dishes.  Plus I have a few little things to put away before Anomantia wakes up and tries to get at them.  Happy Wednesday... only one more day until Good Friday!

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