Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

 08 April 2012- Furia Eevul Obsidian Gurney turned 3 months old (14 weeks).  This series of photographs were taken before leaving the house for Easter breakfast with some of Laurence's fraternal brothers and their families about a half an hour drive North of Gurneyland.
 I had laid out a cute pair of jack and lily Mary-Jane style shoes for Anomantia to wear but in her words " NO sh-shoes BOOP!" She always calls shoes sh-shoes and she still has a hard time pronouncing T's so they mostly come out as P's.
 Furia giving the camera a wave, while Anomantia laughs at me for being a dork!
 My big girl in her Easter dress (it lasted until about noon, when she figured out how to untie the bows and pull the ribbons out:( but it was covered in chocolate anyways).
 Furia not too impressed... so I made some more dorky faces to get her to smile!
 Anomantia's Oh Mum! Then she told me "No Stop!  Bad Mum!"  (I get that a lot lately).
 A half smile from Anomantia because she had had enough of the camera already.
And finally a photo with both my girls smiling... took long enough but they finally got it together enough to give me one photo with smiles on both their pretty faces.

Easter was CRAZY!  Too much chocolate + too little sleep = BAD!  I am still trying to catch up on the lack of sleep but daytime naps with Furia that have been happening, are probably not the greatest idea because they end up wrecking my night's sleep. ie: staying up blogging when it is close to midnight and I should be sleeping.  Easter breakfast was good, we had a great time visiting with the brothers and their wives, they spoiled my children and filled Anomantia's handbag with chocolate when I wasn't looking plus put a bunch of Hershey's Kisses into the diaper bag just as we were leaving.  Last night we went over to a friend's place to play Monopoly with her and her brother but ended up having to leave as Laurence was not feeling well (he is better now).  This afternoon, we took the girls to the swimming pool to relax (For Laurence, pretty stressful for me as Anomantia is fearless in the water and a complete maniac).  Followed by trying to watch Disney's The Lady and The Tramp but we were unsuccessful as we all ended up napping instead.  All in all, it wasn't a bad long weekend, but I am glad it is over.  I and ready for the routine to kick back into play and get things back to how they should be and the next long weekend we should be getting the garden planted.  This afternoon, Laurence and I charted the layout for the garden and where everything will be going.  Now it is just a race against time to get everything seeded and sprouted before the May long weekend.  At least we have the greenhouse to get things started but it is still too cold for most plants to be outside.  I still am trying to find the right plants for my front planter because it is only partially sunny and mostly shady on the West side of the house and I have had minimal success with plants in there aside from Dill which will be planted out front again.  So I am hoping for good weather and a speedy sprouting season that way we will have a good harvest this autumn. I am hoping to post as much as I can over the next few weeks to see if I should keep this thing going or let it die, I am hoping that Gurneyland lives on, it all depends on the amount of time I can devote to it as my minutes of thought are already broken by one if not both kiddos.  I am off to water my Avocado seed in hopes that it will sprout into a tree and then try to sleep before someone wakes up for a feeding. 'Night.

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