Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And we're off...

02 April 2012- Anomantia had some good quality time with her dad in the office in the morning.  I went downstairs to see if she would come upstairs to get dressed (at noon) and have some lunch and the response I got from her floored me.  She was sitting on Laurence's lap, stood up on the chair leaned over Laurence and pushed on my sternum and said "go away, move, go, Bad Mum! Go!"  Whenever someone is doing something she doesn't like it is Bad Mum, Bad Dad or Bad Fifi (sometimes Bad Baby).   Later on that afternoon, Furia was on my lap while I was checking my emails and Anomantia was sitting next to me on the couch, Furia was contently watching Anomantia playing on her tablet and the next thing I realise that Anomantia is yelling at Furia "Don't look at me!" and then started to poke her face with the stylus pen for her tablet.  I am just glad she didn't poke her in the eye.  We spent most of the day outside enjoying the nice weather while it lasts.  In the afternoon while Furia napped, Anomantia and I cleaned the front porch and tried to pick up the pine cones off the front lawn but we were greeted by this:
Our lawn was crawling with lady bugs.  Anomantia went around yelling BUG! every time she saw one which was often... I stopped counting at 186 but there were lots there.

03 April 2012:
Today was a backwards kind of day.  Last night was a rough night when it comes to sleep and today was stressful.  I managed one 15 minute cleaning session and got my front entrance cleaned top to bottom and cleaned out the bottom of the closet.  I found my boots thinking I would be getting into the garden this week, but once I finished, I checked the forecast and it is calling for more snow :(
We had to go out to meet a client this afternoon, and my head obviously wasn't screwed on right, I left the client's contact information on the ironing board in my living room, made it to the meet up point but no way to contact them, and to find that I had put Anomantia's boots on the wrong feet (causing her to scream almost the whole truck ride to the meet up).  I totally screwed that one up.  On a better note, I did our weekly grocery shopping trip this evening, and came in $25.00 under budget on food and had enough to buy Laurence some 8' pressure treated boards for my new compost container for beside the garden.  My old plastic one died last fall, so we needed something that will survive the cold winters here. 
Tomorrow is a new day has been my mantra for today!  I think that the best thing now would be for me to get some decent sleep.  Furia has been sleeping very erratically lately, one day she will sleep tons and then next not at all.  With her being so unpredictable, I find myself waking up in the night to pump and same thing in the mornings on the days that she sleeps a ton and then on the days when she is awake, I can hardly put her down, she wants to nurse all the time.  She is growing in length again, I can tell because her sleepers are getting shorter on her.  She is absolutely a lovely baby to be around and she thinks Anomantia is hilarious.  I can see her being the annoying little sister that wants to do everything her big sister does already, she is totally fascinated with everything that Anomantia does.  Anomantia has started singing lately.  She makes up words and tells people to Dance when she sings and claps her hands.  She also has started calling her monkey to find him and yelling for him to "COME, COME MONKEY!" when he is upstairs and she is in the living room.  It is so fascinating to see the daily changes in her vocabulary too.  Her newest sayings are "Pay Attention and Be Nice".  I think she understands far more than she lets on.  And her latest change is she now says "No-kay" for yes and no.  I am finding it quite confusing but we are getting through it. 
And with all that, I really need to get some sleep!  I am off to bed to get ready for another adventure here in Gurneyland. 

Good Night

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