Friday, April 13, 2012

Victory is MINE!

Today, I finally started to clear things out and purge through the clutter of our Master Bedroom.  Our room has been so cluttered with stuff (mostly Mount Washmore) I have been avoiding doing anything in there.  The history is that Anomantia is still in the upstairs bedroom (aka the nursery) with the crib acting as a toddler bed and since the room downstairs (aka her big girl room) is not yet ready for her, Furia and all of Furia's stuff has been piled (yes, literally PILED) in our room.  So this morning, I decided to tackle a portion of the junk in the room... and a few hours later, I have emerged victorious, all that is left are a pile of receiving blankets and two laundry baskets of Furia's clothes that are on the verge of being too small.  I went through the baskets of clothes and diapers this morning and put all of the newborn all the way to 3 month sized stuff back into storage bins and sorted through once again downsizing the amount of stuff we have in that size group as most of it went unworn.  I came across several Queen size bed sheet sets and extra pillow cases that don't fit any pillows in my house anymore.  There were three bags of stuff to either sell, pass along to friends and family or freecycle.  I am just waiting to hear back from a few people before I list what I decided we didn't need anymore.  Laurence has been supportive of my process as I have been stressed and I need an oasis in our chaos where I can go and close the door and not feel overwhelmed.  I figured why not start with the place I need to relax the most.  Plus it will be nice to be able to get out of bed in the middle of the night to pee and not trip over laundry and other junk.  Today, I found the missing black baby shoe that I have been looking for since Saint Patrick's day, just to find out it doesn't fit anymore.  Madamoiselle long feet is already wearing the Robeez slippers that I had on Anomantia at a year old, they are a little big, but they will work.  I found my rogue First Aid kit and the mates to several pairs of socks.  Plus about a dozen pebbles, a chunk of chalk (that had gone through the wash in Anomantia's hoodie), 72 cents and way too much dirty laundry on the bottom of the pile.  So this afternoon, I have been getting my exercise by going up and down the flights of stairs (with baby in tow- mostly in the sling) hauling laundry clean up and dirty down.  I have done four loads of regular laundry and one load of diapers (runs through 2 wash cycles and 3 rinse cycles with the stupid water saver machine... I miss my old top loader beast machine for the cloth diapers these new ones really suck!).   But tonight, I am starting to finally feel relief from the mayhem that used to occupy my bedroom.  This summer, Laurence has offered to help me paint our room (it is still the hideous taupe from when we bought this house 5 years ago), I am hoping that he will choose the colour as he has excellent taste in colour schemes.  Who'd have thought that split pea green would go so well with sunset orange?? Those are the colours on the walls in his office and I think it looks awesome!  This week, I have some more planting to do... I picked up some more trays for my starters.  So far, I have 128 corn plants, 30 tomato plants (Big Beef and Roma varieties) and 2 avocado trees started.  I still have room for 432 more seedlings in trays and another 24 in 3" pots.  Hopefully they will all come up as I am ready for the gardening season to begin.  Last year my garden was a bust!  Our soil was barren and barely produced anything at all.  So in the fall, we covered it in chicken poop and hoped for good seepage over the winter.  This spring so far, Laurence has built me a new compost silo and has already turned over a good chunk of the garden between snow falls.  This summer (what I have off from work) will be dedicated to going camping and gardening along with doing everything and anything with the girls.  I can't wait to go camping with them both.  Laurence and I are traditionalists, we don't go camping with a rig, we tent it and build our own shelters with what is on location for us.  We hope to find some new places off the beaten path to pitch our tent and enjoy nature (and hopefully not too many mosquito bites) with the girls.  This summer, we hope to simplify and live as simply as we can.  
So now I have to conquer tomorrow and then, a day of rest (yeah right!) and just take back this house one little bit at a time.  Clutter will be gone soon and I will be at peace and hopefully be able to call this house, my home.  I have never really liked this place, little own feel at home here.  I dream everyday of the day when the renovations will be done and that FOR SALE sign goes up on the front lawn.  I dream of the day we can pack up Gurneyland and move it somewhere where I will feel more at home.  For now, I will live with the green marker on the top set of stairs, blue and purple footprints across the living room carpet and muddy shoe prints everywhere (did I mention that the off-white carpets are on the stairs and in the living room??)  I will be glad when I get the chance to shampoo the carpets again and maybe get them a little clean.  It has been a year and they are way past due for another cleaning.  Once then clutter has been conquered, then I will treat myself to a day of carpet shampooing (yay for free rentals!) With all that, I leave you with a picture of Anomantia being a bucket head (silly girl!)

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