Wednesday, June 13, 2012

15 tips for LIFE! (SBC day 14)

15 Tips for Life

1.  It something is broken... try to fix it before you toss it.

2. Smile, Often and lots, smiles lead to happiness.

3. Come up with a life mantra, I have two one for good days and one for the not so great days.
for good days: Smile till your face hurts
for not so great days: If you can't eat it, or hump it, Piss on it and walk away (at the worst of times, it becomes JUST BREATHE!)

4. Be mysterious, leave a little to the imagination.

5. Do what you LOVE!

6. Cut the Crap... in other words SIMPLIFY!  It makes everything easier.

7. Keep your promises.  If you say you're going to do something, DO IT!

8. Read lots, question everything, remain skeptical and debate often.

9. Think Deeply (think before you speak, everything is deeper when thought through first).

10. Speak gently (if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!)

11. Love much (hug with an open heart, it changes everything)

12. laugh aloud (don't forget to share the joke)

13. work hard (and leave work at work)

14. Give freely (give 'till it hurts, then give a little more)

15. Be kind (treat others as you wish to be treated)


  1. I love #4. As a blogger, I tend to lay it all out on the table, for even strangers to know. I forget that rule of mine sometimes. :) haha

  2. Haha. #3 reminds me of my dogs :)

  3. I like #9 - That's probably why I'm a better writer than speaker. I have the time to think deeply before putting something in words!

  4. #3 made me LOL. :P Number 11 is my favorite. ♥

  5. Great list! I Like #7! Im your newest follower! You can follow back here:

  6. I love #8! I think that sums up my entire personality. haha

  7. great list of tips! i love #3... cheers :)
