Friday, June 8, 2012

My Favourite Guilty Pleasures...Blog Challenge#8

 These are my guilty pleasures, they are the things that I treasure the most in my life and I wouldn't change them for the world.  This entry made me really think, guilty pleasures... are we talking about food or are we talking about life?  So I went with what felt right for me... LIFE!  Yes, I love food too, but not as much as some of the little things that I truly appreciate when I get to experience them.  Some come weekly, others rarely but they are what I really love.  

Well, I have four that were all tied for the number one spot!

A. I totally love the sound of a clean tipped Oxy-Acetylene cutting torch... yes the sound it makes gives me goosebumps (I love what I do!).

B. Getting up early and doing an hour of ZUMBA before anyone wakes up.  It is great to have time for myself at the beginning of the day. Followed by my daily cup of decaf earl grey tea. (I have been banned from drinking coffee because I am already high strung enough and I start vibrating and bouncing off the walls when I get caffeine into my system... it can be quite funny to see but if you are not a morning person BEWARE!)

C. Sitting down and watching TV or a movie with the biggest glass of ice water (more ice than water), and my knitting with Laurence after the kids are asleep (doesn't happen very often that they sleep at the same time).  We have been watching series on DVD lately.  We just watched ROME a couple months back and now have started in on Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy.  We love watching Discovery or History Channel documentaries that the kids would totally be bored with. 


D. Standing knee deep in the ocean during a storm and letting the huge swells hit me as they break on the beach (best is usually in October or November) and just having the salt water splash all over and the salty air in the wind hitting my face.  (I grew up on the coast and loved doing this but since we moved inland six years ago, I have only done this twice and I miss it a lot.)


  1. Wow. Those are some awesome guilty pleasures. :)

  2. I love the beach too and I know how much it can be missed. I couldn't go for a year and I felt so sad because of it.

  3. I loved Sons of Anarchy, it's one of those:

    oh my. what? wait. no. seriously?!

    shows (with lots of eye candy)
