Monday, June 25, 2012

I wish... (SBC#25)

My Ideal day of "Me Time" would consist of an early morning rise with a work out followed by copious amounts of Earl Grey tea with a splash of milk (without having to boil the kettle several times before actually getting the boiled water to the cup).  I would then take a shower ALONE!  Hot water without any little busy bodies telling me to move when I am trying to rinse my hair.  No banging on the door just me and the water.  The afternoon would consist of sitting in the yard gardening or reading or knitting or a combination of all three.  Some quality time with my girls cuddling or playing with them is a necessity to let them know that they are loved.  I would love to have lunch with my sisters at the beach (if only teleportation worked in real life, sigh...) and then spend the evening at home with my girls and husband, maybe take a walk or bike ride with my family before getting ready for bed.

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